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  1. C

    Need HELP from people who have used ADVANCED NUTRIENTS

    Thanks for the responses Dr. G and samraley! I've been trying to figure this out so that I know how much of each nutrient to pick up. In the past I've used AN's Micro, Grow, Bloom and although it worked very well, it has its issues, hence the reason I'm making the switch to Connoisseur A/B. I've...
  2. C

    Need HELP from people who have used ADVANCED NUTRIENTS

    Really? None of you on here have used Advanced Nutrients? Very strange
  3. C

    Need HELP from people who have used ADVANCED NUTRIENTS

    Ok so I need some help from people who have actually used Advanced Nutrients, and preferably those who have used their whole line up. I've been hearing a lot of different things regarding how strong to mix the nutrients. (I know people are going to say listen to the plant, not the bottle, but I...
  4. C

    Need some expert input for my grow room design

    Motherhugger- Thanks for the reply. In the past I have not used all the Advanced line up but I've heard that it seems to work best when using the entire system together so no skimping this time around. It's very expensive but hopefully the results will make me proud. I will try to get pictures...
  5. C

    Need some expert input for my grow room design

    Thanks for the reply. That was a mistake, I meant leaving it on the whole time the lights are on. Good looking out
  6. C

    Need some expert input for my grow room design

    I have been growing for a couple years and I finally feel confident enough to step everything up to a larger system, now that I've encountered most of the problems. My grow room is 8 ft. by 12 ft. and 8 ft. high. This room will be completely sealed with a simple inlet for fresh air. Exhaust...
  7. C

    PLEASE HELP!!! Can't find this answer anywhere

    Thank you... I'm just stressin out because a week ago everything was perfectly green and of course with the lights on everything looks more yellow..I've just put too much effort into this to let something small go untreated at such a crucial time . And no, the only spraying I do is with Azamax...
  8. C

    PLEASE HELP!!! Can't find this answer anywhere

    I forgot to post the picture so here it it.... Lord Dangly Bits- The pH of the runoff back in the resevoir stays pretty constant with minor fluctuations between 5.6-6.1...for the most part pretty steady around 5.8 though. The problem affects the fan leaves at the top of the plant..lower...
  9. C

    PLEASE HELP!!! Can't find this answer anywhere

    Thanks everyone for the replies. Sorry for he lack of info. I am growing in rockwool. Roots are healthy and not slimey. I'm just not sure what it is because it looks sort of like a combination of things. As for the bud candy and carbo load, one is a simple sugar and the other is a complex. I...
  10. C

    PLEASE HELP!!! Can't find this answer anywhere

    I have some Grand Daddy Purple 3 weeks into flowering. pH is 5.8, ppm is roughly 800. Initially I thought it may be underfert but I'm really not sure. I am using Advanced Nutrient's Micro, Grow, Bloom at 2/3 strength, CalMag, Big Bud, Vitamin B-1, Bud Candy, Carbo Load, and Drip Clean. I've...
  11. C

    Please HELP!! I can't figure this out

    I'll have to try the TechnaFlora. I've got a generic pH down & up right now and I have always had pH fluctuation problems so definitely gonna pick up some. Yeah, your right, $4 aint much, it's funny the things I choose to skimp on while all the expensive shit has already been purchased! haha...
  12. C

    Please HELP!! I can't figure this out

    Thanks everybody! I am using filtered water out of a machine.. They advertise that is filtered through certain microns, then treated by RO then treated with UV light. Perfect 7.0 ppm are like 13 when I start. I am using Advanced Nutrients' micro grow bloom and kept the ppm to 500 this time...
  13. C

    Please HELP!! I can't figure this out

    Thanks for the reply! I actually happen to have some CalMag but stopped using it because I thought it was possible over fert before, now I'm thinking it was a deficiency all along. I will be flushing and hitting them with fresh nutrients today (including CalMag). Also about the heat issue, I...
  14. C

    Please HELP!! I can't figure this out

    Also, the stems of the leaves are VERY brittle.. I'm pulling off leaves everytime I look at them
  15. C

    Please HELP!! I can't figure this out

    I'm growing some Grand Daddy Purple, plants are about a month old. I originally thought the problem was over fertilization or pH problems because my pH was fluctuating quite a bit. I finally got the pH fixed at about 5.8 and saw a little improvement for about a day. Then leaves curled under real...