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  1. S

    short ryder auto questions - answers apreciated!

    It is starting to flower in DWC after 4 weeks from seed under 18/6!! Amazing. Low odor.
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    would misting the leaves help? since roots may be trashed
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    A Bored Electrician to Answer Your Questions

    Thank you again Danielsgb for quick reply! I have many of those adapters laying around. You are right, I don't want to max out my charger/maint. I just wanted to know if there was anything I was missing. I tested a fan on it and it worked fine but I will leave it n the boat battery. Wait...
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    A Bored Electrician to Answer Your Questions

    Thank you Danielsgb. I know what you said is true and I understand it completely but, the 1.5 amp charger/maintainer I have has no fan and is 100% silent and I mean 100% silent. No vibrations or nothing. ( 1.5...
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    A Bored Electrician to Answer Your Questions

    I have some 80 mm fans I want to run. They are brand new ( I was going to use an old pc power supply but was wondering if there is a more simple way to power several of these 12volt fans? The pc power supply box is bulky and overkill...
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    Whats the minimum veg time?

    yeah....what he said