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  1. G

    Most weight from one plant?

    Im curious to know how much is the most you have ever gotten from one plant, I ont have much room to work with so i want to know whats the best route for me to take. Soil or Hydro? What nutrients? Pot size? What wattage? Co2? Any topping or LST? Room design?
  2. G

    flowering back to vegging

    I have had a small clone in flowering for like a month can i still make it go back to vegging or is it too late?
  3. G

    Is this done?

    I would say they are maybe 15% amber they are really cloudy im gonna give them like 5 more days. My super silver haze one almost died but i gave them water and a cup of diluted coffee and half a spoon of sugar ans its better.
  4. G

    Is this done?

    Here is my blackberry kush
  5. G

    I smoked moldy bud

    No problem asshole
  6. G

    I smoked moldy bud

    IM 19, and yeah i really wanted to smoke cause i was fucked up the mold attacked my plant then i started to take it out side and the mold went away,,, kinda, almost all the fan leaves have withered away. the buds were stunted and i dont think they are gonna make it, im gonna crop it and put it...
  7. G

    I smoked moldy bud

    Screw all the asshole that coulnt give me a straight anwser and thanks to the people that gave me good info. GET IRIE!
  8. G

    I smoked moldy bud

    I got a clone from some guy and started it on 12/12 not knowing much about growing I had a moldy clone cause of a lack of air flow. i wiped it off and started taking it outside during the day, the mold isnt visible anymore but the clone is rapidly losing fan leaves, they shriveled up an fell...
  9. G

    Aerogarden clones in soil

    I doubt that
  10. G

    Aerogarden clones in soil

    So i got some clones and threw them in some soil and under aerogarden lights. any ideas on how much it will yeild. they have been in flowering light cycles for about 2 1/2 weeks i will post more pics. also i am seeing some white powder on my leaves what is this and how do i get rid of it?