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  1. Salvador Brambila

    Recommended worm castings for SS?

    Thanks everyone for your thoughts and suggestions! Ive looked at the aurora worm castings before and ive used the wiggle worm in compost teas but i was unsure of the purity cuz it doesnt say on either label! Has anyone every used Worm Gold Plus worm castings? Its supposed to be 100% organic and...
  2. Salvador Brambila

    Recommended worm castings for SS?

    Can anyone recommend some top notch wormcastings for SS? Im planning on using super soil in the near future and im looking for the best pure worm castings I can find! Im in California so u know! Please any suggestions on good quality worm castings would be appreciated!
  3. Salvador Brambila

    Roots Organics Soil and nutrient lockout

    You can add Dolomite Lime to raise the ph of the soil to a neutral 7 or so! Plus the added benefits of calcium and magnesim that comes with the dolomite lime!
  4. Salvador Brambila

    Super Soil ? Sub please help!

    Honestly im just glade that I got one reply period!
  5. Salvador Brambila

    Super Soil ? Sub please help!

    What up Medshed thanks for cruising by and sharing your thoughts with me man I appreciate it! Yes pretty much everything you said is exactly what I would do! I was just wonderig what sub would do in this situation; was hoping to get his thoughts on this but it seems hard to get any reply from...
  6. Salvador Brambila

    Super Soil ? Sub please help!

    I am going to use your super soil recipe outdoors this year! If my plants start fading to early or if I run into a Nitrogen deficiency what do you recommend I do or use? Any help would be appreciated, thanks!
  7. Salvador Brambila

    Subs SS secret ingredient; powdered humic acid?

    Wow thank you very much Medical Grade I appreciate you taking the time to help! Great info; I never thought about checking ebay and there it was all along!
  8. Salvador Brambila

    Subs SS secret ingredient; powdered humic acid?

    What up sub and the rest of the Roll It Up fam! I was wondering what brand of powdered humic acid you use? Where can I find this product or what online retailers carry this product? Is the humic acid ore from the Down To Earth organic fertilizers the same or just as good as the HA you use in...
  9. Salvador Brambila

    Tweaks to Subs Super Soil for 2011! What do u think?

    Nice pull brother thats the kind of yield I wana pull when I start my grow ops indoors! Untill then I will do it outside with the most powerfull light source we have; the sun! Keep up the good work! If anyone else has suggestions please leave your comments, thanks! Maybe the man himself can...
  10. Salvador Brambila

    Tweaks to Subs Super Soil for 2011! What do u think?

    Thanks Nathenking I appreciate the comments! Its good to see atleast one person share there thoughts with me! Good info I have a pack of the agent orange and was planning on popping them outdoors along with some querkle beans as well! I checked out your AO thread as well man I hope someone can...
  11. Salvador Brambila

    Tweaks to Subs Super Soil for 2011! What do u think?

    Whats up everybody I hope all is well! I was thinking about making slight changes to the super soil and I was hoping to get some feedback from any experienced SS user! First, this will be my first run with the super soil and I will be using it outdoors in SoCal for 2011! The changes are minor so...