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  1. G

    Alright so Im on a bit of a budget here. I got some Sour Diesel seeds sprouting. I'd love some...

    Alright so Im on a bit of a budget here. I got some Sour Diesel seeds sprouting. I'd love some help with soil and light, and if you have experience, making a cheap growbox?
  2. G

    First time! NEED LOTSA HELP!!!!

    thank you!
  3. G

    First time! NEED LOTSA HELP!!!!

    Is there any way I can keep it in a pot and grow it on my windowsill or anything, I dont have a large back yard, I fear my lawnworkers will take it
  4. G

    First time! NEED LOTSA HELP!!!!

    Do I need a certain size of pot, special soil?
  5. G

    First time! NEED LOTSA HELP!!!!

    Well, I picked up a baggie and got a few seeds in it, (sour diesel) so I decided to let one sit in water a day or two, and now its sprouting! What do I do lol!
  6. G

    First time! NEED LOTSA HELP!!!!

    Well, I got some seeds in a baggie i got of sour diesel, so I decided to let one sit in water for 2 days, and its sprouting! What should I do to keep it alive?