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    Yellow leafs on cali orange?

    its pretty light but i give it the same as the rest? Could it be that it a different strain and needs more food and water? or even just more water?
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    Yellow leafs on cali orange?

    What do you mean by phenos? And what is Dutch passion? Growone mentions niarna. I have seen this some where before but not taken any notice. Is there a difference?
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    Yellow leafs on cali orange?

    Hi i'm experimenting with a new strain to me. Ive only got the 1 my room in with a differnt strain. It's California Orange. When i bought the seeds i was told the leaves would be a lighter colour than usual but these look like there dying. Their almost yellow and just a gentle shake of the plant...
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    Smell from my plants???

    Hi my plants stink as any others do. Always worse toward the end of course but ive noticed that it becomes really strong at different times of the day but then other times it doesnt smell at all. I have a carbon filter and an extractor with duct leading out of my basement. I stood outside to...
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    Lights and Ballast

    Hi does anyone know if it would be safe for me to rewire an extra 400 watt light to my 400 watt ballast? I.e 2 400 watt bulbs running from 1 400 watt ballast. Thanks.
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    Hi, ive been experimenting with cuttings for a while now and have succeded "in a way". Say i start off wth 20. i might get 4 or 5 rooters in all,some times a few more.The thing is some might root in a week and some take up to a month. Just when i think they are absalutely,definataly dead then...
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    Over veging?

    Also how do you "top" a plant?
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    Over veging?

    Hi sorry. I cant find the LST technique website anywhere. How do i find it please?
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    Over veging?

    Ive got 2 250 watt lights in my veg room. Do you think it would be possible to flower them? Also i am very restricted of height(in both rooms). Do you have any tips on keeping them down?
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    Over veging?

    Hi does anyone know if you can over veg a plant? Ive got a flowering room and a veg room. Obviously it takes twices as long to flower a plant as it does to veg a plant therefore ive ended up with too many plants that are ready for flowering but the flowering room is full. I cant use the veg room...
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    Leaves turning yellow

    Hi does anyone know why the tips of my leaves have started going yellow?
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    Purple stems

    sound cheers.
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    Purple stems

    Hi. Does anyone know why the stems on my 2 plants are purple? Is this a good thing or a bad thing?
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    My Stems are Hollow!

    Nice one thanks. Thats one less thing to worry about.
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    My Stems are Hollow!

    Does anyone know why some of the stems(stalks) are hollow? Its as if somethings eaten its way up through the stem. Its not like that on all of them. Is this normal?
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    Hollow stalks

    Hi does anyone know what it means when some of the stalks on my plants are hollow? Its not all of them. I just had a bad feeling that something might have eaten it's way up through the stalk. Ive been having trouble with insects. Thank you.
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    Little Bastards!!!

    Do you know how to get rid of them? Ive tried Soapy water,nicotine juice,I bought 1ml of something to mix with 5 litres of water for £20(dunno what that was called). The guy in the hydro shop promised that stuff would kill anything. Well it didn't work. Now he wants me to try a smoke bomb. I...
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    Little Bastards!!!

    Does anyone know what these bugs are? They seem to attack one plant at a time sucking the life out uf it. Ive attatched some pictures. This is the result. Thank you.
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    Hi ive got a trouble with an insect. Ive looked all over the internet but cant find it. I have...

    Hi ive got a trouble with an insect. Ive looked all over the internet but cant find it. I have some pictures. Can anyone help please?