Search results

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    hello what's up!

    hello what's up!
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    first grow was a failure

    my first grow was a failure so i ordered more seeds. i overgerminated the seeds / planted them too late and the roots fell apart
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    help i overgerminated my seeds

    help i overgerminated my seeds, should i just plant them
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    How long do i germinate the seeds for

    how long do i germinate the seedsfor
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    can i do a whole grow w/ cfl's

    can i do awhole grow w/ cfl's or do i need a hps
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    I am germinating seeds, how long do i germinate for?

    how long should i germinate my seeds?
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    im only growing 5 plants, will cfl's be sufficient?

    im only growing 5 plants, will cfl's be sufficient or should i purchase a hps?
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    Will Growing w/ a 600 w hps be Sufficient for 5 Plants for my First Grow?

    will growing w/ a 600 w hps be sufficient for my first grow
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    Hello From Louisiana

    hi from louisiana, anyone else from here:leaf:
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    where should i order seeds from?

    where should i order seeds from, i am in the u.s.
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    anyone from louisiana?

    u live in louisiana?
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    anyone from louisiana?

    anyone from louisiana?
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    anyone had any problems ordering from nirvana in u.s.?

    anyone had any problems ordering from nirvana to the u.s.?
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    Any Louisiana people??

    anyone from Louisiana?
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    any louisiana peeps?

    any louisiana peeps?
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    can i use this to exaust my grow room?
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    any louisiana peeps?

    any louisiana peeps?
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    where can i purchase an exhaust fan?

    where can i purchase an exaust fan ?
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    new to this, have extra room in trailer, need advice

    thanks!, i think ill use the black plastic
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    Different types of X?

    it's not cut with heroin , some other drug maybe , but not heroin