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  1. if6was9

    AK47 Auto's ½ way there, but kinda small.

    Makes sense to me. Even though Lowryder seeds recommends the 20/4 lighting schedule from seedling to harvest, I shouldn't start it until about the second week which is when they usually start flowering. To Stoner.Barbie; Your reply kinda confirms what tOrn is saying in that I should manipulate...
  2. if6was9

    AK47 Auto's ½ way there, but kinda small.

    I run 20/4 lights seedling to harvest. No problems with light leaks or timing malfunctions. The last 2 grows were low RH too, but on this grow I recently inquired about it being low, but was told not to worry about it.
  3. if6was9

    AK47 Auto's ½ way there, but kinda small.

    AK47 Auto's _ day 37! (½ way there.) This is my third ak47-af grow. The first 2 grows with these seeds went fantastic and without a hitch. They grew to about 12 to 18 inches tall in MG with no added...
  4. if6was9

    Autoflower Thread & Resource Guide

    Great help b.R. Good luck to you and your triplets, and thanx. Your quick replies mean alot.
  5. if6was9

    Autoflower Thread & Resource Guide

    Cool, This is the first time I've tried molasses, so thanx for your help. Should I wait till the first flower b4 using it, or is it ok to start now?
  6. if6was9

    Autoflower Thread & Resource Guide

    So its ok to use one tablespoon per gallon of water. Is that the water you give 'em when they need it, or do you just use that mix every two weeks?
  7. if6was9

    Autoflower Thread & Resource Guide

    Wow, Great thread! Hello everyone, This is my first post here, and its good to see some info on Autoflowering. (I'll hafta take some time to read it all!) I am currently doing my third grow with AK47 AF lowryders and the first two came out fantastic. This time around I'm going to use organic...