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  1. medicalmiss

    Hi, I'm a killer......I killed my babies

    They had 6 sets of leaves with more coming from everywhere. They looked amazing......and then something happened. I'm not quite clear on what it was. A couple of things changed and then they changed. I bought a humidifier (hot steam) and put it a couple of feet or so away from them so they...
  2. medicalmiss

    medication we dont need!!!

    I hear that. There are quite a few that we could really do without. Like Zonegram. That crap almost killed me. I can name about 30 of them that made me sicker than I already was. Now I take less meds and just use the cannabis.:mrgreen:
  3. medicalmiss

    Aerogarden Grow Help

    Go to the hydroponics/aero grow sections. There are many posts on the subject. You need to have your water moving better. Add an air stone into the res. Hydroguard works too. Good Luck
  4. medicalmiss

    Just a thought

    I read in several books and posts that 75 for hydroponics is the desired temp. babies are dying. So what the heck do I know? LOL
  5. medicalmiss

    Hi, I'm a killer......I killed my babies

    Well, they are not quite dead yet. I just dinked around with them too much. Tried to give neuts too early, PH jumped all over day after day, light, obviously not know..that same ol' nooby screw ups. They look like sad little half green, half yellow wilted hairy beasts. Water...
  6. medicalmiss

    Hi, I'm a killer......I killed my babies

    I should go to pot jail. I just killed 4 beautiful seedlings. It just goes to show you that no matter how much money you have, no matter how smart you are, no matter how many years you study....there is always something out there that will kick your ass. My hats are off to all that grow...
  7. medicalmiss

    All Hail Garden Knowm

    Oh wise Garden Knowm, this person Jesusdiedforoursins should be banned because he/she is a mean nasty person.
  8. medicalmiss

    Hey! I Got Something To Tell You All!

    It is not illegal in many countries and not illegal for medical use. It should have never been made illegal in the first place. You are obviously a overweight bible thumper who has nothing to do than to harass people because you believe what you have been spoon fed off the pulpit. If you...
  9. medicalmiss

    Big Problem!

    Not a chance in heck. You might want to get ahold of her to get ahold of a landlord and let you in because she forgot to give you a key to feed the cat. She can make an ship to shore phone call to verify it. Short term memory thing working out for ya? LOL j/k
  10. medicalmiss

    Is starting in a small container a must?

    The earths crust isn't a small container is it? I know, I know, maximum yeild and all that crap, but come on, it really is a plant, would it not grow either way?
  11. medicalmiss

    Seeds from '78

    Ya know, I just have to think that this is really wrong when we have to crawl under a house and dig a hole and screw with wires (that could cause a fire) just to grow an innocent plant to grow that doesn't hurt anyone. Who made the rules? Why did this one get picked on? Stupid humans.
  12. medicalmiss

    A Meter Challenge

    I've seen those and they do look great!!! I'm just not sure if that is an overkill for my 4 little plants. Anyone else have any ideas, maybe one that is more expensive and one that is less expensive?
  13. medicalmiss


    Isn't that what the album covers were for? We always sifted seeds and stems out and smoked the rest. LoL Wow, I'm old. =(
  14. medicalmiss

    Can You Guess What Strain?

    Sativa for sure, but don't know which one.
  15. medicalmiss

    A Meter Challenge

    Alright you growing gurus, list the top three meters to buy for hydro testing. Ready, set, go!!! (Pictures are a plus, links are saviors)
  16. medicalmiss

    About to order from Dr. Chronic - YES OR NO?? Please Give Advice!

    Nirvana is the only place I trust and use. Their shipments are excellent and quite stealthy. Their emails are quick and they seem to care about their product. Just my two cents.... Good Luck
  17. medicalmiss

    End of Week 5 Flowering pics

    Are you supposed to clip off the leaves towards the bottom? I have good growth on top but there are a few leaves that look pretty sad towards the bottom. Do I clip those? Awesome plant!!!