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  1. T

    Wonders Medical Grow: Round 2

    just wanna say very nice stuff here , a lot of knowledge, , read thru19 pages n need alil brake=o) ,cya
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    Wonders Medical Grow: Round 2

    u use ur kitties instead an odor control device ?9wow :);)
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    No room prep very simple $200 budget grow

    Thats pure love :)
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    No room prep very simple $200 budget grow

    im a noob so dnt laughif my Q is dumb but why didnt u just rotate the pots a lilbit evry now n then ,,,,,then ;) ?j/w
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    Welcome New Members!

    Well, hello rip ppl ;)
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    1st Grow Not So Good, Please Help So I Don't Make Same Mistakes

    mr u baked your plants before they baked you :(
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    Nice Little LED Project

    lol echo echoo echoooooo hi lol good luck , wher how did u get led so cheap
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    How NOT to get busted?

    doobs how many plants did u gro on that 150w? i was gona do ( in Myfuture g.r. like 200w hps plus few cfl / fluros for side lites, so just wonderin how many would b best 4the lite
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    big buddha blue cheese cfl grow

    love how u got mylar all over even under plants , not many ppl do that and light not reflected is a light lost !nice
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    First Grow: DR40 Grow Tent, 150 Watt HPS, Hempy Bucket, White Widow

    im watchin u , im watchin u GroW =) so keep up the work n post pics , peace
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    1st CFL/HPS Grow Snow White!! (INDOORS,FOX FARM SOIL)

    ok nvm 2008 says join date not post date ops so igues u just arnt done yet? hm
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    1st CFL/HPS Grow Snow White!! (INDOORS,FOX FARM SOIL)

    umm yeaa post 2 year old n doesn look like its done wat hapen man
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    1st CFL/HPS Grow Snow White!! (INDOORS,FOX FARM SOIL)

    wow hey i just got an acc on this site.mostly 2b able 2c pix of ur grow as i was readin the whole " journal ' lol , im at page10 , just wanna notice dat lil lady under cfl looks rly nice n bushy, i saved dat pic, also sorry 4poor grammar im on usin a ps3 controller2 write this , peace