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  1. sweetwild

    Will 2 plants stink up my house?

    Hi there, I'm planning on growing just 2 plants in a grow tent in my basement (I never grew bud before). I"ll be growing White Widow, and Kush. I'm worried about the smell when they start flowering - Will having only 2 plants stink up my house? Thank you in advance!
  2. sweetwild

    My first acid drawing!!

    Pretty good I like the colors. It looks like a bird is flying around the earth and there are feathers on the persons head and they are yaking? Or drooling? Very interesting :) They never really do make sense. I loved drawing while frying, it's amazing, although I always gave all my drawings away :(
  3. sweetwild

    How Common Is It For Women To Not Reach Climax?

    They're lying they don't want to tell you that they've masturbaited!! Also, I'm pretty sure it's 40/60 penetration/clitoral stimulation, perhaps even less. Most women need clitoral stimulation; I'm one of them, lawls.
  4. sweetwild

    Soil Vs. Deep Water Culture

    hi hidden door, oh yeah good ol' miracle grow is always an option =) I was also thinking about making some hempy buckets, i just found this looks promising, and affordable. too many options!!
  5. sweetwild

    Soil Vs. Deep Water Culture

    Hi, I have hopefully a quick question. I'm completely new to all this MJ growing. I haven't started any seedlings yet, just getting my ducks in arrow before I start. I was wondering what is a preferred growing medium for my situation?: growing in soil, or growing them in a deep water culture...
  6. sweetwild

    Welcome New Members!

    Hello all, I'm new here & I'm a complete virgin growing the buds, I've been doing a lot of homework. Just waiting for equipment then ready to grow ....very excited! :)
  7. sweetwild

    Question for Canadians

    There may be some people here to help you out Good luck!