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  1. F

    Uncle Ben's Topping Technique to Get 2 or 4 Main Colas

    great and informative thread guys, just a shame i have to read through 315 pages of repeat questions from people who are too tired to read it, Thanx and kudos to you laterz
  2. F

    Brokerage Fees

    you dont like the pic? I think its a great pic
  3. F

    Brokerage Fees

    Hey guys Im sure this is in the wrong forum but it wouldnt let me post in the correct one. Anyway anyone know how to avoid the brokerage fees when ordering from the states, just had too pay $22-00 on an $80 grow tent (fukin rip off) i'm waiting to order some lights but at that rate it would...
  4. F

    please help

    dude, if u dont know wat you are looking at how the fuk is anyone else gonna know with no pics? Look at the top of this forum and you'll see an excellent bug sticky. luck
  5. F

    led supplier

    Hey guys sorry if i posted in the wrong section. Im looking for a reputable supplier for led lights in canada. Thanx for your time
  6. F

    flowering question

    thanx man :)
  7. F

    flowering question

    hey guys. i have 4 plants that i cant sex, so i have put them in the flower room. How long is it safe to leave males and females together before pollination occurs? i figure it will be easier to sex them after a week or so in the flower room, i have some ladies in there on there fourth week of...