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  1. D

    Lowryder Easy Ryder aka Lowryder#2 x ak47

    Pics of my Easyriding ladies at day 46 from seed. The shorter one had a rough go at the start of her life . But a little TLC and she worked her way back. Sorry did'nt mean to hijack but just the proud pot father in me.
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    The Art of The Auto

    Pics of my Auto Easyryder. We're at day 46 from seed. At what point do I need to start looking at Trich colors?
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    Autoflower Section

    Yeah I wish there was an autoflower sub forum at least.
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    Question About Tiger Bloom and Big Bloom

    Approx 2 weeks into flowering. I shoulda prob started with the Nutes sooner but had heard that Ocean Forest had everything I would need already in it. No Love I don't have a PPM meter I've been avoiding buying equipment to avoid wife aggro. But if it's a must have then I guess i'll have to...
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    Question About Tiger Bloom and Big Bloom

    I mixed the gallon of water with 1tbsp of the big bloom and 1tsp of tiger bloom . Should I have added more of 1 than the other or did I overdo the Tiger ? Gonna feed the girls tomorrow so I still have time to add a little of one or the other. Thanks for all the advice it's very much appreciated.
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    Question About Tiger Bloom and Big Bloom

    Awsome thanks for the info
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    Question About Tiger Bloom and Big Bloom

    Can I mix the gallon of water according to the directions on the bottles ? Or is it best to cut the measurements per gallon in 1/2 or 3/4?
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    First time grow . And looking for some knowledge

    Thanks for all the assists guys
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    First time grow . And looking for some knowledge

    I'm like a pan-icky new parent. OMG my kid scratched his elbow!!!
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    First time grow . And looking for some knowledge

    The Light is about 2 or 3 inches from the plants. I watered them monday morn but haven't since then. Moisture meter reads "wet" towards the bottom of the pots and "moist" towards the middle/surface. I've read somewhere that at this young stage the plants don't need a fan but I have been using...
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    First time grow . And looking for some knowledge

    Two of em look good especially the one in the middle. It's the one on the end that i'm worried about. I'm using Ocean Forest potting soil and a 200w CFL. I can't figure out why the little girl on the end is struggling.
  12. D

    First "real" attempt at indoor growing. with Pics =D Blue Dream and Platinum OG.

    Fans are'nt just for heat . The leaves of the plant only "breathe" the air around the leaf . The fan churns the air around the leaves to keep fresh CO2 around the plant.