They are 10 weeks old from the time they were about 1 inch tall, they are curntly 13in and 17in. idk if they are small, i just wish they would grow faster =-D
thanks for the advice, i went out and got some 100W CFL's!!!!!!! they seem awesome! we'll see on a few days!! I'm going to get some 5gal buckets and trans plant them soon!!!! i iwill post more pics when i get everything set up!!!! thanks so much for the advice!!!!!!
i have a small grow room, and its an alright set up.... but i think i may have stunted my plants..... i started off with 3 from seed..... they we're lookin pretty for about the first 10 weeks, but after that no major growth in height......i think it may have been that i started 2 jobs around...