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  1. M

    reusing ocean forest

    I could be wrong but I thought ocean forest was considered soilless? thanks for all the input.
  2. M

    reusing ocean forest

    does anyone reuse there soilless medium? it seems like such a waste to buy new every time. I know you would have to add new ferts, but can you do it. someone told me before it's not good because of salt build up, but there has to be something you can put in it fix that. let me know what you guys...
  3. M

    after harvesting

    about how long does it take the the stems to dry out enough to break, a couple of days or longer.
  4. M

    Earth Juice

    the only problem I have with earth juice is it really drops my ph. thinking about swithing to ff, but it might do the same.
  5. M

    cloning question

    my first time cloning, I took some cuttlings from a female in early flower. I used peat pellets for the medium, today I saw roots growing out of two of them. now my question is when you pot them do you take that bag off, or leave it on since the roots grow thorough.
  6. M

    couple problems

    yeah I did notice a little tip burn on some
  7. M

    couple problems

    strains blue cheese, vortex, jacks cleaner 2 medium 1 part peat moss 1 part perlite lights 2 x 400 watt mh age about a month old nutes earth juice grow problems yellowing and dying lower leaves, I had really high heat, but it's down now just got a ph tester a week or so...
  8. M

    t5 vs mh

    I can't decide on what kind of light to get for my veg room, so I thought I would ask you guys. the t5 would have less heat problems but more chances of strechey plants. could I fit more plants under a four foot, four bulb t5 than a 400 watt mh? if I go with the mh, is there any difference in a...