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  1. i bleed resin

    Bhut Jolokia and Purple Beauty Bell Peppers (400w HPS+soilless/organic)

    I soaked all 12 of my Ghost Chili seeds in a plastic dixie cup of water for 24 hrs, then sowed them in Foxfarm's Light Warrior seed starter mix. I then placed the two 6-packs into one of those generic seed starter domes, with a heating pad ($21 at hydro store) beneath to maintain humidity and...
  2. i bleed resin

    Bhut Jolokia and Purple Beauty Bell Peppers (400w HPS+soilless/organic)

    I lost one of the 2 Purple Beauties to root rot, but still have the other one and all 4 Bhut's. They've been under 400w HPS(18/6) for about a week now, and they're about to get their first real feeding in another day or two. They'll get some General Organics BioRoot, a half dose of Grow...
  3. i bleed resin

    Fungus Gnats

    I add neem oil right to the water, about 2 tsp/gal a couple times a month. I've drained out thousands of larvae this way.
  4. i bleed resin

    Bhut Jolokia and Purple Beauty Bell Peppers (400w HPS+soilless/organic)

    I'm a pepper fanatic man! These are gonna get all the same care that MJ would. All General Organics nutes in a peat moss/perlite/vermiculite/aged pine bark mix. I just wish my Chocolate Habanero seeds would have germed... Got seeds for lots of other exotic varieties to try out next time...
  5. i bleed resin

    Bhut Jolokia and Purple Beauty Bell Peppers (400w HPS+soilless/organic)

    Yesterday I finally got my first pepper seedlings transplanted into 1-quart containers. The 2 on the right are Purple Beauty bell peppers, and the other 4 are Giant Bhut Jolokia aka Ghost Chilis. The Purple Beauties were started from seed on 10/5 and took about 10 days to sprout. The Bhut's...
  6. i bleed resin

    pH help!

    Are you using any nutrients yet or is it just water and the pH down? What is the EC in the reservoir?
  7. i bleed resin

    Bell Peppers Won't Start....

    Let pepper seeds soak in water for about 24 hours before sowing in soil/germination media. A heating pad is greatly advised, as peppers prefer a higher soil temp than most vegetables (75-85F). Don't be disappointed if you don't see anything for a couple weeks; many folks who start (and/or...
  8. i bleed resin

    Hottest Pepper In The World "Naga Jolokia" (Grown in Hydro)

    Does anyone know if there is an official authority to test peppers for their Scoville rating? I've had my Bhut jolokia seeds germinating for a few days now and I'm wondering how I'll be able to estimate their capsaicin content upon harvesting in a few months. If anyone has any advice on growing...
  9. i bleed resin

    Hottest Pepper In The World "Naga Jolokia" (Grown in Hydro)

    Bump! How did these work out? My Ghost Peppers, Bolivian Rainbows, and Chocolate Habanero seeds are on their way! I'm going to try to do 6x 5-gal buckets under 400w HPS.
  10. i bleed resin

    Bubba Kush finally harvested + a few pics

    FINALLY just harvested my Bubba Kush plant which went on a lot longer than expected due to setup complications (fungal gnats, a couple males). This lady was planted on 9/14/10, raised up for 73 days, then flowered for exactly 8 weeks, making her a 129 day plant. The flowers are incredibly...
  11. i bleed resin

    curing quesiton.....

    Do you mean for hanging? I just hung my one plant for 2.5 days and kept it at 60F degrees, with a dehumidifier running at 45% for the first half of the time. It's now in a fully stuffed jar, which I keep in the dark around 50-60F to cure, opening it up periodically. Not sure about the humidity...
  12. i bleed resin

    Best flavor to add to pot?

    I agree. Don't ADD anything, just go for strains that are well-known to be delicious. The tastiest buds I've had include Shishkaberry, Grapefruit Haze, S.A.G.E., Trainwreck, and Purple Goo (Afghooey X Purple Urkel). If odor isn't a concern, don't use low-odor strains. Smellier buds tend to pack...
  13. i bleed resin

    Sap Is Oozing From My Buds On Day Of Harvest?

    I can't think of an explanation based on the description, but I'd love to see some pics of this. It's not uncommon for buds to excrete a bit of thick, sticky resin towards the end, but this "oozing" you're describing sounds totally different. Does it smell skunky (or however your buds normally...
  14. i bleed resin

    why glass jars, why not a plastic bag?

    I think you're getting the idea, and not a moment too soon! You want to be in control of that moisture as it's escaping the buds. If it's escaping too quickly, the buds are likely to get a bit extra cripsy, and lose potential flavor; too slowly, and you're at risk for mold buildup. Get the jars...
  15. i bleed resin

    quick grow...high yield....

    While we're on it, if anybody's got an extra bowlpack you could spot me, I should be able to hit you back in like a day or two. I prefer Sativa-dominant, but I guess beggars can't be choosers! Thanks.
  16. i bleed resin

    wondering if ill have a smell problem

    I don't think the smell will necessarily go up hugely, but it's those last few weeks when the buds pack on density. More bud = more odor particulates.
  17. i bleed resin

    ?s on root ball size b4 flipping to 12/12

    I'm sorry, but is NO ONE really even going to even acknowledge that huge picture of a cobbler? How baked are you people? BTW, good lookin' plants, Dicky.
  18. i bleed resin

    quick grow...high yield....

    I recently grew out Speedy Gonzales from Flash Seeds. It's an auto NYC Diesel X Great White Shark. Only 68 days from seed to chop, and the bud was very strong. Bought 3 non-feminized seeds (they're less than $3 each), 2 of which germinated and became healthy females. Low yield (half oz between...
  19. i bleed resin

    why glass jars, why not a plastic bag?

    EXACTLY. The Smelly Proof bags are much cheaper than mason jars if you are near a well-stocked headshop, but jars are great to have around. Invest in a box of them and use over and over. Whatever you do though, please don't attempt to cure in regular bags. The bud will lose too much moisture too...
  20. i bleed resin

    Miniature hut I made from ganja stems/stalks

    Let's see the pics, homie. I just killed off 3 males this week, so I'll soon have another big pile of dried stalk ready to be used for add-ons, such as a driveway, maybe a chimney, perhaps a dope dog out front. So yeah...I win, but I'm totally stoked to see what you other folks can come up with...