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  1. O

    Let me see your full size pics!

    wow these are some hot ass photos. great to see plants in HD format. beautiful stuff.!! =)
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    Wondering how these look for 22nd day of flowering...

    those bright whites cfls would probably do the trick. im not professional myself, but they should be fine.. anyone?
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    the chitown sourkush thread

    $8-$9 for sourwood honey?/ where bouts you from howak? that a great price!!
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    *Autoflower Grow* Super Cali Haze from Short Stuff *pics*

    hey medicine man... those babies look awesome in the pics. keep up the inspiring work. its great to be able to come on here and see people really doing some great growing. good luck with the seeds bro!!!
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    SD's First Grow - 600w HPS

    nice move on skunk... keep up the gains. cant wait to hear about your progress over the next few weeks aye. wicked! :clap: :weed:
  6. O

    question on 12/ 12 schedule

    12/12 is fine yeh... it's only going to effect the size (quantity) of your plant... but the quality will still be there no problem!! Last year I used a 14/10 and found it to be a nice little ratio... helped because i was growing in a pretty boxed in wardrobe at the time