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  1. carl1078lewis

    manganese toxicity or what?

    Update: finally have gotten my issues narrowed down to ph problems-- my ph was too low (5.2-5.5). Adjusting the PH to around 6.0 has seemed to solve my problems. I also went back to the normal Genhydro feeding schedule rather than the "Lucas Method." Not sure how much of a factor that has...
  2. carl1078lewis

    not enough nutes?

    Alright, after stressing the hell out of my poor plants for the past few weeks, I've finally come to the conclusion that my ph has been too low, causing lockout and all the other problems my plants are showing. From what I'd read with the "Lucas Method", the target ph was 5.2, which is lower...
  3. carl1078lewis

    not enough nutes?

    All, thanks again for the feedback. These plants are 40 days from the day I started the seed, some folks measure their plants' age differently . . . some start counting the day it pops up above the soil (or rockwool) and some give them an extra week or two as 'seedlings' before they start...
  4. carl1078lewis

    not enough nutes?

    Thanks, not sure what" raise down your ppm 400" means, though (raise up the nute levels or lower them down? can't do both). I've done previous grows at 1400ppm while vegging without problems, so I'm sure these plants can handle higher nute levels if I need to go there. Haven't grown BM's...
  5. carl1078lewis

    not enough nutes?

    Never thought I'd be asking this one, but for once I think I don't have enough nutes rather than too much! My plants are about 40 days old from seed and I'm seeing yellow bottom leaves and necrotic crispy leaves on a few of the plants as well. The yellow leaves say nitrogen deficiency and the...
  6. carl1078lewis

    Nirvana Blue Mystic and Mandala #1 grow

    Alright, it's been about a week, time for some new pics. I'm a little concerned that I'm seeing some nute deficiencies for the 1st time in my career as a grower. Lower leaves on all the plants are yellowing, and I'm still seeing some necrotic splotches and crispiness on some of the lower...
  7. carl1078lewis

    Nirvana Blue Mystic and Mandala #1 grow

    Alright, another day, figured I should try to post some on my nutes and more about my setup so people have an idea of what I'm working with. I'm trying the "Lucas Method" for this grow, using GenHydro nutes, no Grow, 1 part Micro and 2 parts Bloom for the entire grow (both veg and flower)...
  8. carl1078lewis

    Nirvana Blue Mystic and Mandala #1 grow

    Hi all, Spent some time reading other grow journals about Nirvana's Blue Mystic and there really wasn't that much, so I figured I should contribute. I started 2 BM's and 2 #1's on 10/27, soaked the seeds in wet paper towel. Both #1's popped, one BM popped. A few days later, I started 4 more...
  9. carl1078lewis

    manganese toxicity or what?

    update: necrotic spots on the leaves have stopped spreading on the 2 plants that were showing them. New growth seems a little slow, but maybe I'm just being impatient. The leaves on all the plants seem to be curling down so that they're 'huddled' close to the plants' stems. Water temps in the...
  10. carl1078lewis

    manganese toxicity or what?

    haha, I'm a farmer by trade, so growing in hydro is a weird obsession/hobby with mine since I work acres of soil outdoors, just not for growing cannabis. I do grow some outdoors in the summer, but always lose track of it and get poor results due to lack of attention to the plants. I find...
  11. carl1078lewis

    manganese toxicity or what?

    funny thing is I grew Nirvana's white widow on that same grow with the same nute solution (1450+ ppm) and I don't recall any burning or problems with the plants, yield was a little light compared to the other strains, but white widow is definately a bomb smoke. Can't wait to grow it again soon...
  12. carl1078lewis

    manganese toxicity or what?

    wow, good to know. I've got two strains going in this grow, mandala #1 and these blue mystics. The mandala I grew last winter I had nute level at 1450ppm and they took it. The blue mystic is a new strain for me, so I have no idea what to expect. 2 of the 5 mystics are showing the problem...
  13. carl1078lewis

    manganese toxicity or what?

    wow, 450 ppm, I'm already at twice that, and was shooting for more. I do keep stumbling across the advice to "use half or 1/3 stength nutes than what the bottle recommends" but then hear people on these forums vegging at 1200ppm. I'm gonna cut my nutes back to 600 and see what happens for a...
  14. carl1078lewis

    manganese toxicity or what?

    magnesium / manganese, why did they make two elements sound so much alike in the 1st place??
  15. carl1078lewis

    manganese toxicity or what?

    no black spots under the leaves, most of the damage appears to be on the top of the leaves. Some spots have gone all the way through the leaves, so there's some necrotic spots on the underside, but definitely not black.
  16. carl1078lewis

    manganese toxicity or what?

    Alright, covered my DWC reservoir tub with enough foil tape to make it look like something out of the Sputnik space program and put foam plugs over my rockwool to keep light from hitting the rockwool, should eliminate any problems caused by algae. I changed out the nute solution and added some...
  17. carl1078lewis

    manganese toxicity or what?

    manganese toxicity (not magnesium) is the only thing I saw that caused orange/yellow spots on the leaves. I thought that sounded weird though, as I'm using what I'd consider very 'normal' nutes, which is why I posted to the forums asking.
  18. carl1078lewis

    manganese toxicity or what?

    Hi all, thanks for your input. I've posted better pics. Someone PM'd me and asked about my PH meter. The PH meter is good, brand new and I have a 2nd that's high end lab equipment, both have been calibrated in the past week. I've been worried that I've been taking the PH too low at 5.2...
  19. carl1078lewis

    manganese toxicity or what?

    Hi all, I noticed some spots on my seedlings' leaves yesterday, today they're much more pronounced, want to nip this in the bud ASAP so I'll have some healthy plants. Went through all the "plant problem" threads and the best guess I've got it manganese toxicity. I'm only seeing it on 2 of 7...
  20. carl1078lewis

    DWC: when do you start nutes? I always seem to start too late!

    what you mean by puc? I use those soft foam inserts for clones like in those fancy clone machines (mine is home built for like $4). I start seeds in round little rockwool plugs that are like 1x2" in size. Everything goes into net pots with hydroton once they've outgrown their little...