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    150 - 200 watt HPS

    :leaf: Universal Law............ For every action there is a reaction!!!! What goes round comes round.... :leaf: Namaste
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    Here to answer some questions for newbies...

    Hi Auzzie, Thank you very much for the newbie help! I have a question or two.... I am planning my first attempt at growing MJ indoors in soil. I have been reading and reading and learning and learning how to become a good gardener. So basically I'm thinking a Jardin tent 60cmX60cmX120/160cm, a...
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    Auto flower supercropping?

    Dear Enlightened growers. Is it possible to Supercrop an Auto Flower Hybrid to the point of producing 4 main colas? Was thinking of organic soil for the medium..... TIA Namaste
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    Sinsemilla Life Cycle of Cannabis

    Cool post man! Thank you very much for taking the time to post this up!!!! Namaste
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    My Introduction:

    Hi there Ernst :leaf: I see you know about Organic Soil gardening! This is the :leaf: ROOT that I would like to grow also. I need to get some cash together for just after Xmas and get my stealth Op on the go. Maybe Santa will be kind to me this year????? I'll be in touch nearer the time if...
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    Thanks for the replies.... Ernst, I might well take you up on the offer! I have a flat (Apartment) below me,above me and to the left and right. So big time stealth it has to be.... I'm sure the walls are made out of rice paper! Been doing loads of reading and research into the gear that I...
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    Hey guys.... Hello everybody.. Newbie here. Great site and some great info :clap: Well I'm from the UK and been smoking for some 25 years on and off. I have finally decided to try and grow. I'm so fed up of paying high prices for crap goodies... Around here it's £30-£40 for 1.7gr :wall...