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  1. GreenIt420

    dwc bubblponics grow what is this

    ok ill check that out thanks
  2. GreenIt420

    dwc bubblponics grow what is this

    iv got got another grow seprate room usign all the same things but have not seen it in there at all, do you know if its bad for the roots, my ph down is the general hydroponics,
  3. GreenIt420

    dwc bubblponics grow what is this hey this is one of my grows right now if you can look at it pleasee give me some input i have no idea what this white stuff is on my roots and air stones its white gooey i have never seend it befor any info would...
  4. GreenIt420

    Late Flower in DWC, Lockout PH below 5.2, how to fix?

    i have my plants in 5 gallon buckets each whats should m ppm be at and how can iu get watter temps lower ?
  5. GreenIt420


    Thanks all for the feed back, i have herd you can make the bud candy with molasis or that was the main ingrediant in bud candy and you coudl just add it to you res and it woudl give same results as bud candy , if so does any one know exactly how to make it i would just need to know how much i...
  6. GreenIt420

    Ihave grown clones and now im doing seeds first time need some help

    so i got some pics kinda crapy becaceu used my laptops webcam so coudltn see whiel takign pic but the small ones are my seeds of exodus cheddar adn spacedawg, the big ones are some clones i just picked up one is sourdisel and the other grape ape, so right now im just watign for the seeds to get...
  7. GreenIt420


    the last time i grew i onlky used 3 neuts floragro, florabloom, floramicro, threw the whole grow what would you recomend for the flowering part ?:idea:also a little bit of superThriv
  8. GreenIt420

    Ihave grown clones and now im doing seeds first time need some help

    so far i started with 6 seeds only 2 have survide the the other just all fell over kinda looked over waterd but they were all min the same set updeep water bucket systems , the 2 alive are looking good tho, , srry i cant get any pics up my laptop is not loadign them from my phon efo rsome...
  9. GreenIt420

    Ihave grown clones and now im doing seeds first time need some help

    im going to try and get some pics up later of my set up and were im at now
  10. GreenIt420

    Ihave grown clones and now im doing seeds first time need some help

    ok then if i grow a seed and it gows into flowring can i star a clone from then so i know if its female or not
  11. GreenIt420

    Ihave grown clones and now im doing seeds first time need some help

    also when i grew clones i did not get any seeds so befor they were cloned did it star with a feminized seed
  12. GreenIt420

    first tiem with seeds please help

    ok thanks, srry i did nto mean to star 2 threads for the same issue the first one i thought did not work i will end this one
  13. GreenIt420

    Ihave grown clones and now im doing seeds first time need some help

    do i need to polinate them to grow buds, or do i just want to cut out the males when they go to flower, and the seeds i got are a mix of both they said, thanks fo rthe info so far
  14. GreenIt420

    first tiem with seeds please help

    i have grown clones befor just fine wanted to try difretn strain and wanted to try with seeds iv got exodus cheese x spacedawg, so my first ? do i want female seeds or male seeds or do i need boht, reason i ask i thoght you onlky wanted fem seeds to grow buds, bu tteh caretaker told me no i dont...
  15. GreenIt420

    Ihave grown clones and now im doing seeds first time need some help

    so i had no problems with growign clones befor with seed i thought you just want feminized seeds to get buds but when i boght the seed teh caretaker confused me he said that you dont want fminized seeds whast he said di not make sense to me maybe if somone could explain what i would wan to grow...
  16. GreenIt420

    Twisted leaves? What's wrong with my plant?

    i had same issues with mine i checked my ppm in my resivor and they were to high, around 1650 got the ppm down to 800 to 900 and they started to improve