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    I found a bee in my grow room. Are they bad for plant?
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    I found a bee in my grow room. Are they bad for plant?
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    my cfl pics!!!!!

    go to home depot 42w daylight bulb for veg...42w soft white for flow....10$ a piece
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    Some marijahewey problems!!

    two weeks in soil under a 75w it time for more light?
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    *HTG Supply HIP HIP HOORAY!!!!!!!

    cool..I dont want to try and wire cfls..ill just order an mh and hp system from them
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    Some marijahewey problems!!

    when is it time to veg?
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    Some marijahewey problems!!

    some grow light from wal mart 75 watt i think
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    *HTG Supply HIP HIP HOORAY!!!!!!!

    Is HTGS safe for credit card shipment?
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    Some marijahewey problems!!

    my first grow and two weeks in they are stretching and leaning over any help?