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  1. justin123j

    I know this is off topic but

    Does any1 know where i can buy a playstation 3 for about 150?
  2. justin123j

    Could You Survive A Zombie Outbreak?

    Smoke some bud lol
  3. justin123j

    Could You Survive A Zombie Outbreak?

    I would unload the gun safe go to the closest mall break in food store shut that metal gate sit back and some some budd.
  4. justin123j

    Can you freestyle?

    Every morning be4 i go to school i roll up a j and i toke on a bowl people always ask me what is my goal i say smoke mad weed cause its good for ya soul lol fail attempt to rap
  5. justin123j

    Youtube clips competition

    That guy is a beast
  6. justin123j

    Youtube clips competition
  7. justin123j

    Youtube clips competition

    This is also a funny one.
  8. justin123j

    Youtube clips competition

    This one is funny as hell
  9. justin123j

    Youtube clips competition
  10. justin123j

    Buying seeds online?

    I'm up in pittsburgh
  11. justin123j

    Buying seeds online?

    I bin thinking about buying seeds online but i think its kinda sketchy getting them delivered to my house. Has anyone that lives in the states order seeds online with no problem?
  12. justin123j

    Quick question

    Will tinfoil work to put on the walls of my closet so the light can reflect off of it?
  13. justin123j

    How do i tell if its a male or female plant?

    I just found a little fan i put it in the closet with it and i added 2 more 100 watt bulbs
  14. justin123j

    How do i tell if its a male or female plant?

    I think it is a female but im not quite sure yet.
  15. justin123j

    4 weeks old indoor closet

    Ok thanks alot if i need any other help ill just post it up or pm you
  16. justin123j

    4 weeks old indoor closet

    Ok i will water them about once a day i moved the lights closer i put one near the bottom of the stem and one on both sides so it all gets light and what do you mean nuts yet?
  17. justin123j

    4 weeks old indoor closet

    1) i think just regular dirt lol 2) idk 3) yes i am using cfls 4) i am in veg 5) will do thanks :) 6) I have a fan blowing inside the closet 7) I am watering it about 3-4 times a day
  18. justin123j

    4 weeks old indoor closet

    Its my first grow i know i'm doing something wrong. I have it on a 18/6 lighting, soil from my flower pot outside, 3 100 watt lights
  19. justin123j

    4 weeks old indoor closet

    I have 3 lights on it like a ceiling light from all angles a fan in there for air and i water it about 2-3 times a day.
  20. justin123j

    4 weeks old indoor closet

    Does it look like this plant is in good shape for 4 weeks old?