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  1. C

    Cops raided my grow room, took everything but never even found 1 plant !!!

    The lawyer told me I won't have to do time just pay him couple of stacks n he promised me I won't go to jail. Google cook county jail. One of the worst out there. Fuck that I paid the lawyer and now I'm just waiting my next court hearing. He's gonna get it down to burglary from res. Burg. Soo...
  2. C

    Cops raided my grow room, took everything but never even found 1 plant !!!

    I didnt steel anything I was just at the wrong place at the wrong time. I also got peer pressured to do it by a close relative of mine. Thiefs should get thier fingers cut off if it was up to me.
  3. C

    Cops raided my grow room, took everything but never even found 1 plant !!!

    The equipment all together was worth around 2000. I think im just going to let them keep them because i dont want to be harrassed all summer by these fucking pigs and i dont have money to move out. If i had the money to move out then I would try and fright to get my things back. Unfortunalty I...
  4. C

    Cops raided my grow room, took everything but never even found 1 plant !!!

    I'm not under 18. I'm not a legal grower. They came here to investigate another crime and ended up finding my grow op. I recently got accused of a burglary and they came looking for me at my home. I told them I did not want to speak to them and I demanded to speak to my lawyer. The cops then put...
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    Cops raided my grow room, took everything but never even found 1 plant !!!

    The cops came in to my house thanx to my mom who opened the door and allowed them to search the house. I was in the police station soo i counldnt call my mom and tell her not to open the door unless they break it open and show you a search warrant. They came in and took all of my grow equipment...
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    How to clone with t5 lights?

    Yea this helps. I did step 2 but not 1 and the domes I mist the plants like once a day have only one vent open and the other closed. I also spray all around the dome. I take off the dome at least 1once a day. Did ju let the cubes get dry like light brown color or do u just keep them moist all...
  7. C

    How to clone with t5 lights?

    So then whats the whole point of the humidity dome? I thought you had to keep the dome on all the time.. Are you using the same light? Do you mist the top of the leaves or just the dome? I try to open the dome at least 2x a day cuz it does get somewhat humid in there. I opened one of the vents...
  8. C

    How to clone with t5 lights?

    I wanna know exactly how to use t5 lights for cloning. I have trays with domes and 1 4ft. 4bulb t5 light. The first time I tried cloning I had like a 25% success rate. Im cloning again, but dont want to run into the same problems as before and this time have a higher success rate. Im cloning...
  9. C

    Help me keep my temp. up in this cold ass weather!

    I have 2 8in. reflectors from Sun System. Where would you put the exhaust fan ? in the front of the 1st light or in between the lights or the by the last light when air is exiting the room. The light bulbs are covered with glass and if I leave the fan off for a couple of hours... would that...
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    When is the best time to add co2?

    thanx sum good info.
  11. C

    Help me keep my temp. up in this cold ass weather!

    Yea im using HIDz. Ima look up some more efficient heaters.
  12. C

    POWER BILL / ELECTRIC COMPANY - How not to become a suspect.

    Is 3000K a concern in the midwest?? i havent recieved my electric bill yet but im sure ass hell gonna pay it on time.
  13. C

    Help with setup?

    Hey is that a 4x4 tray? If so, how many of those square pots can you fit inside the tray. Im asking because ima be running a SoG and im going to fill up the tray with those same square pots. oh and Bpeezy you can put ur mom under t-5 lights. they grow well under them. Use MH if you need ur Moms...
  14. C

    When is the best time to add co2?

    I have an inline fan that cools 2k lights. I cant add the co2 while the fan is on cuz it will jus suck it all out. I want to add it either before the lights come on or right after they turn off. Which is better? Also, I know you can just get the air from outside to cool down the lights but the...
  15. C

    2000W Grow!!! PICS!

    How much did ju harvest under 2k?
  16. C

    Help me keep my temp. up in this cold ass weather!

    Im haveing a problem in my flowering room. The highest temp. inside the room was 65F. Today it was at 60F w/ the lights on. I even put a electrical heater on at night to keep the room from dropping to 50F. I dont want to continue using the electrical heater because it uses 1500k!!more than the...
  17. C

    Watts per Yield?

    If ur getting close to a gram per watt. Then u do 1000/28/16=# of pounds Usually around 1-2 pounds per 1k. But that is if ur doing everything right.
  18. C

    2000 watt growers. What was your yield? Strains, plant #, vegg time, nutes, etc..

    Tell u way, I'm growing in 2000watts in my grow room. Since nobody is helping ya, I'll give u some tips I've learned here on riu. I haven't finished flowering so I can't tell u how many grams I got. But if u get a gram per watt then that is pretty good. I'm doing a SoG method were u just take...
  19. C

    How can I get the Maximum Yield In a 4x4 flood table?

    Not only does the height suck but also the different strains in the tray suck. Half of them are like 5ft. and some are just like 3ft. So yea I dont think the smaller plants are gonna get that much bud since the light now is like 2ft away from their tops. Oh so your doing the Al B. grow. With a...
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    How can I get the Maximum Yield In a 4x4 flood table?

    oK so i've been doing some research on this SoG growing method and I am going to do some adjustments to ma grow room. I will have three 4x4 tables. 2 tables under each 1k light and the other table in the veg. side for the mothers. I think I can fit like 10 2gallon buckets in the 4x4 table. I...