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    Supercloset or Superponics

    I believe superponics and supercloset are the same thing, no?
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    Subcool's Super Soil

    Soil is way to messy and takes long to harvest. If your looking to only harvest 3 -4 times a year MAXXXX then go ahead with soil. If your looking to do around 8-10 harvest per year go hydro SOG. Works great if your looking for residual harvest. If your looking for the most potent stuff i...
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    4th CFL Grow With Jungle Growth Soil - Blue Mataro and Afghan Kush x Train Wreck

    Great thread but i would definetly say dont waist your time with cfl's unless your trying to mother a plant. At least get a 150 watt you will see DRASTIC DIFFERENCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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    Getting Equipment for a Grow Rooms and Suggestions

    I would say dont even waist your time and energy building your own grow room. WHO THE HELL DOES MANUAL LABOR NOW DAYS?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? I would definetly sugguest buying a premade tent. It will cost you probably an extra $150 but that is far...
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    Superponics Super Box

    I am sorry to say but i have found a couple other dealers of those grow boxes. I got mine from NaturesHydro and i got a free EZ vape and also %5 off. I would definetly shop around and try to ask for some sort of discount when you are speaking to them on the phone. I hope this helps you guys...
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    Stones Journal #3: Jack Herer, Super Silver Haze, Strawberry Cough, Trainwreck

    Nice thread. Jack Herrer is personally my favorite plant. Nothing like the smell of some fresh Jack.
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    The SuperCloset is Super!! Super Review - Deluxe 2.0.

    SICKKK THREAD. Im glad that im not the only one who loves my supercloset. But make sure to shop around. I got a free with my purchase and 5% off :))))
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    Show Me What You Got LST?

    If your not doing LST or supercropping then you must like throwing dank away.
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    My first venture into hydroponics was fairly easy because i had an automatic grow box. I personally didn't have time learn the whole process but within one full harvest. You pick everything up pretty quickly and realize that there really isn't that much to learn.
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    Trinity Supercloset

    I purchased purchased a superlocker and im pretty pleased with my purchase. For me time is money because i have a job and do not have time to read how to grow or go back and forth to home depot. The investment was well worth it and once i got dialed in i started smooth sailing.
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    Friday March 4th :Attitude Promo: What seeds did you buy?

    What seeds are good for a grow box???
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    Club 600

    I recently upgraded to 2 600 watts grow tent i just purchased after i outgrew my smaller grow box.
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    Power Consumption / Light Cost

    You never really have to worry about power consumption if your growing the legal limit.
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    Welcome New Members!

    How do you post a new thread and not a new post. I cant figure this out?
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    101 Already Asked Questions

    Great thread. I have to re-read this about 2 more times
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    Things to Know About Lighting

    Thanks for the post. I firmly belive that lighting is one of the most important things to get dialed in one in a new grow op.
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    101 Already Asked Questions

    Thanks for the post. This is the first place i came when i started growing.
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    60 Plant Grow Setup

    SICKKKKKKKKKKK. Im looking to upgrade my set up. Props man.