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  1. D

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    My first grow. These are Big Buddha Red Dwarf Autos. Week 7 since seed. Three weeks maybe???
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    Autoflower Thread & Resource Guide

    I posted this in the Newbie forum and maybe this is a better place to post.... When do I start pre-harvest flush? I tried to search for this, but didn't come up with anything. I have 9 plants growing all from seed and all 51 days old from seed. Started 12/12 light 2 weeks ago. 3 of my...
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    When do I start pre-harvest flush?

    Ok, so since this is my first grow, I have no base point on when to "anticipate" when to cut. Any guidance on what to look for?
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    When do I start pre-harvest flush?

    I tried to search for this, but didn't come up with anything. I have 9 plants growing all from seed and all 51 days old from seed. Started 12/12 light 2 weeks ago. 3 of my plants are Buddha Red Dwarf Autos. They started showing pistils 16 days ago. I've read others harvest Buddha Red Dwarf...
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    When to start Flower Nutrients

    Sorry, should have mentioned. I'm all hydro using 6" rockwool and a "drip" system, although it's not drip, it's a feed for 60 seconds every 2 hours, 1000ppm PH 5.9. They're under a 600W Super HPS as of today, was using a 400W Super Blue MH up until now. The plants you see at the front are...
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    When to start Flower Nutrients

    I'm getting ready to start my 12 hour cycle to induce flower. Plants are about 10"-14" tall. My question is when do I switch from GROW to FLOWER nutrients? I'm using Dutch Master Gold which has worked very well in the Veg stage, they've exploded in height the last week, and are tall enough...
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    rockwool germinating

    I've read that both HPS and MH can be used throughout veg and flower. MH is supposed to produce tighter nodes meaning more buds per plant during veg. HPS is produces more lumens and a redder spectrum which is supposed to increase production during flowering.
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    rockwool germinating

    Again, just to caveat my answers, I'm a newbie, so others please correct me if I guide wrong. Hot plate, no. You want it warm and humid, not hot. The warming mat and thermostat that's made for germination has a probe that you push into one of the cubes that will regulate the temp. You want...
  9. D

    Is this Auto Flowering????

    Lol! Thanks guys. First grow newbie so at least now I know what flower looks like in person! Guess this just means I'll have a little taste of my first grow before the rest of my girls are finished.
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    Is this Auto Flowering????

    Crap. Well they're gorgeous plants, just small and immature, not even 6" tall. At least all 3 are female. Guess I'll watch them and harvest when they're ready. They should survive going from veg nutes to flower nutes and decrease to 12 hours of light right? Or should I pull them and set up...
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    rockwool germinating

    I was impatient and didn't do it to the 1" cubes. Asked the hydro guy and he said that since the nutes are in the seed for the germination, the PH imbalance wouldn't inhibit the germination, I just made damn sure that all the water I gave it from the start was 5.5 - 5.7. Seemed to work well...
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    rockwool germinating

    I just did this successfully my first time. Firstly, I think using a 1" cube is preferred, much easier to control how saturated it gets. Here's the parameters I used: 1. You have to use good water. RO or Distilled. Tap adds too many variables to control if you need to troubleshoot later...
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    Is this Auto Flowering????

    I have 9 plants all in vegetation Week 3. 3 of these are an auto-flower strain. Are they flowering already? Lights are 18-6 schedule and I have 2 weeks of veg left until I go into scheduled flower.
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    New Girl.....

    Thought I'd throw my noob hat into the ring here. First time grow with me as well. Read a TON before doing it which has helped to troubleshoot, and received some excellent and quick advice a couple of weeks ago from experienced members. My plants are now 4 weeks old today. That's 4 weeks...
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    (Water PPM + Nutrient PPM = Correct PPM) OR (Total PPM - Water PPM = Correct PPM)

    This is probably digging in the weeds too much and I'm sure a very newbie question, but what is the correct way to ensure enough nutrients are in your water? I have an RO system that is turning out approx 50PPM H2O. I'm just starting my 3 week olds on a feed schedule and it calls for 400PPM...
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    Seedlings Drooping, Yellow 1st Leaves - Rockwool HELP!!!!

    Well I fed them last night before their lights went off, 400ppm of the Dutch Master Gold, PH 5.25, and woke this morning to rejuvenated plants. Leaves are starting to straighten out and looks like new growth. I have set my timer to feed for 60 seconds every 5 hours which gives me 4 feeds a...
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    Seedlings Drooping, Yellow 1st Leaves - Rockwool HELP!!!!

    Thanks so much guys! That makes sense. I'll do just that and watch them closely. Probably shouldve used soil but I guess I got too fancy on my first grow. Hope they'll pull through. Someday maybe I'll be knowledgeable enough to help out a newbie. Till then thanks again.
  18. D

    Seedlings Drooping, Yellow 1st Leaves - Rockwool HELP!!!!

    Thanks for the quick response! They're not under flos anymore, they've been under a 600 hps about 18" and a 18/6 cycle since transplant. Measuring around 7000 foot-candles at the plant top. So try nutes again? Plants are only 18 days since seed. Thought little to no nutes until about 4 weeks no???
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    Seedlings Drooping, Yellow 1st Leaves - Rockwool HELP!!!!

    BTW, I've looked at most of the threads relating to droopy leaves and I don't think I over nuted or over-watered them. I guess 400ppm at first transplant is bad at this stage tho, but with no recovery in the last week, I'm not sure what to do next.
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    Seedlings Drooping, Yellow 1st Leaves - Rockwool HELP!!!!

    Just the Clonex at 150ppm the last two feeds in the last 9 days. It's RO water that measures 35ppm and I used the clonex on the advice of the hydro store owner. At first transplant, like I said I think I screwed up and soaked the big cubes in 400ppm Dutch Master Gold A&B thinking I was being...