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  1. E

    Is this plant salvagable? Im worried.

    Okay guys, So I am just about over a month into the growing process from germination. My plant was looking completely healthy until a few days ago. I've started noticing yellowing on the edges, and the leaves at the base of the plant completely withered and died...
  2. E

    Please help me out.

    I appreciate the response, but I am curious is there a certain period in which I would definitely know if my seedlings are dead? Should I wait till like week 3 or 4? And they've been in the soil for approximately 12-14 days since germination. I germinated first and put them into soil.
  3. E

    Please help me out.

    Okay so I started growing 3 plants (One haze, one roadrunner, and one Carmella) all seed's purchased from atitude seedbank. I am using an MH + HPS 400w system. The haze plant has already germinated and sprouted above the soil, and is looking healthy and fine. However the Roadrunner and the...