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  1. bartenderplease

    3 Word Story

    out of here
  2. bartenderplease

    Who would you be super hero or super villian

    I for sure think super-hero's get laid more.....or am I wrong? Whichever gets me laid more works just fine. (priorities gentlemen)
  3. bartenderplease

    Do You Drive Stoned?

    actually yes, it makes me strangely hyper-aware of everything going on around me and it makes me extremely cautions and safe. I would absolutely say I'm a safer/ more cautious/ more aware driver when I'm stoned.
  4. bartenderplease

    Feeling Something Big Is Going To Happen.

    I know exactly what you're going through. I'm now 25, but I started having the same anxiety/thoughts when I was 23, completely Christian, and married. I am now agnostic and I feel like I relate a lot to Tym who posted in this thread earlier. Basically, there is no one who really knows what...
  5. bartenderplease

    Have been getting panic attacks/ extremely paranoid thoughts from marijuana

    One thing that really helps me not become paranoid is to take 30 seconds before I rip a bong load, and just sit and think with a clear head, "Everything is fine, there is absolutely nothing to worry about". I sort of have to get into a place mentally, where if I start to feel anxious, or if I...
  6. bartenderplease

    HOLY SHIT! Finally a ACCURATE iPhone Scale application!!!!!!!

    it's obviously for people who already own iphones, if it is a real thing.
  7. bartenderplease

    Tutorial to Growing with Cfl's

    epic thread. I'm 1 week into my first grow using CFL's. I have 8 tiny plants and they're looking great. Cheers.
  8. bartenderplease

    Salvia, what are your views?

    Yeah thats pretty true. I had no control whatsoever. When I tried the purple sticky salvia, I just felt light and floaty, and remained in control. I just basically watched myself float away and it was quite pleasant. Try a SMALL dose unless you want the weirdest experience of your life.
  9. bartenderplease

    Salvia, what are your views?

    Oh I forgot to finish my story...anyway, the reason I had blood all over is because I apparently walked around and fell over on the BBQ, knocking it over and hitting my head on a corner. This is the shit I took......yeah it says only 20x, but I swear it's not. I tried Purple Sticky 20x and...
  10. bartenderplease

    Salvia, what are your views?

    ohhhhh my god! I had never tripped on anything before.....ever. Not even pot. A friend told me about "salvia" and that it's totally legal, and it's an amazing experience. I'm 25 so I figure I should try something, and sure enough, my local smoke shop had some. I bough some and decided I...