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  1. access

    Confined Space 850W LED Master Kush Grow

    That's the best LED Grow I've seen. Congrad on your grow. And thanks for this wonderful post.
  2. access

    Hi, I am from Southern California. I pretty outgoing and friendly and likes to meet new people...

    Hi, I am from Southern California. I pretty outgoing and friendly and likes to meet new people. Currently, a few friends and I started an e-commerce selling Hydroponic equipment ( ) . I'm here to learn all I can about indoor gardening and all that goes with it...
  3. access

    whats good pplz!

    Welcome to the site, Married. I'm new here as well. Thought I drop by to greet you. I agreed on the digital ballast. Not sure about the mylar to cover your reflector, though.
  4. access

    wuts good everyone

    Welcome to RIU, Hater Proof. I'm new as well from Southern California.
  5. access

    Hows It hangin??

    Welcome to RIU. I'm also new to the forum. Nice to have you here.