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  1. K

    My Perpetual Zero-Veg Op

    Well,since the shanty opens from both sides, I guess I could also just push the trays together to make the area 4x4. Wouldn't one 1000w cover 20+ plants SOG-style sufficiently?
  2. K

    My Perpetual Zero-Veg Op

    I want to do two 600's but it might not be affordable as of now. Al B. Fuct uses one 1000w per 2 tables and he has 16 plants in each one, which is 32 plants SOG-style per light. Also, the doors are taken off in the pic, and the doors are on the two smaller walls. My only problem might be...
  3. K

    Club 600

    So is my best option getting one 1000/600 on a light mover?
  4. K

    My Perpetual Zero-Veg Op

    I too, am inspired by Al B Fuct, and I was wondering if this seems plausible to you. The space is 4'10x7'8 and there are four 2x2 trays. +rep for any opinions, thanks.
  5. K

    Club 600

    Thanks for the input guys, +rep. I also was wondering, since I'm baseing this off of Al B. Fuct's grow and he has 32 plants per 1000w.. shouldnt I be sitting pretty nice with just one 1000w. I like the idea of two 600w's but money is tight and would be tough to achieve as of now. After a...
  6. K

    Club 600

    Thanks alot, DST. Id +rep again if I could. So your saying I should do two 600's instead of one 1000? If 2 600's, should I go for two hps so they all get hps light, or should I go one HPS and one MH as you said? Once more, thanks dude.
  7. K

    Club 600

    Thanks to comments from DST I came up with this. The trays are 2x2 and are sitting inside the shanty. I figure if a 1x1 holds 4 plants SOG style, than a 2x2 would hold 5 or 6 plants very comfortably. As of now, I also have a homemade clone box that is doing well for vegging clones and I...
  8. K

    Club 600

    Thanks again man. My last, well hopefully, question for tonight is.. What would you do with a 24 plant max in this space? Keep in mind we are looking for a constant supply, thus why I came up with the 4 table design. With 2 600w's over 24 plants (12 each) SOG style. What size trays should I use?
  9. K

    Club 600

    I also just realized the second pics table is actually 2x2 not 1x1 -_-
  10. K

    Club 600

  11. K

    Club 600

    Whats up? Just looking for some friendly advice. Heres the idea. Its based on Al B Fucts method too, by the way. First picture is the general idea, second is how big the table would be in the shanty we are growing in, which is 4'10 x 7'8. Can I grow 4 plants fully, clone to bud, in a 1x1...
  12. K

    Club 600

    Sorry to post here but you folks have been helpful to me and I think I have spider mites :shock: I do not own a microscope yet and I can see what appears to me to be a little bug but I dont see them move.. I have also found a web of some sort but it was just one strand going from the main stem...
  13. K

    What is going on with my plants? Thrips?

    Yeah keep us posted because like 4 or 5 of my 7 clones in my clone box have little yellow spots
  14. K

    My Perpetual Zero-Veg Op

    Yeah I guess so but I was wondering if that was good.. sorry dude lol
  15. K

    Club 600

    Actually, the dispensary clone is the only one without dots.
  16. K

    Club 600

    Alright we went out and bought a few things for that box.. Another exact fan that blows the air from the intake into the plants to simulate wind and it is also conveniently aimed at the exhaust hole. We also purchased a thermometer/humidity reader. The new stats are 80°F and around 60%...
  17. K

    need help with my clone

    I had a drooper and I just watered it and it came to life. :)
  18. K

    Club 600

    We cant turn the fan around without ripping the tubing so thats not an option right now unless we just mount the fan onto the back, which we might. Anyone know how to make a computer fan work as my exhaust because I have a few but they arent plugins.
  19. K

    Club 600

    Im not too sure, thats what I was trying to figure out, but I'm somewhat vegging these, I guess. I mean, some clones are pretty decent in size but if my humidity is good then hell yeah. Ill try to take a picture here in a second but its a fan ziptied to a dryer duct. Thats duct taped/stapled to...
  20. K

    Club 600

    Hey, sorry this is off topic but I need some help and you guys are reliable. I recently made a clone box out of a dresser (2.5x1.5x2) The humidity is 85-90%, any suggestions?