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  1. Jefferstone

    How long does it take in a small box?

    That's all? Can you take a picture of the fan hub? You need a 12v power supply that comes close to matching the fans. Are these PC fans?
  2. Jefferstone

    which soil mix, limited selection

    Dude, this plant grows in the cracks of sidewalks, drainage culverts, in marshes, in high deserts, by the side of the highway or anywhere you drop seeds or birds shit them. It grows without soil, in wet places, in dry places, in Miracle grow, in expensive soil, in plain dirt. It grows in sand...
  3. Jefferstone

    Critical Mass odor...

    Critical mass and Critical + are different
  4. Jefferstone

    How long does it take in a small box?

    I recommend the voltage and amperage that matches the fan requirements. Look on the fan.
  5. Jefferstone

    Critical Mass odor...

    ..or worry about the smell while you find it. Don't skimp on odor control even if you don't think it smells that much. Do the math, you can spend $200 for a kick ass carbon filter, or $2000 for a half assed attorney.
  6. Jefferstone

    which soil mix, limited selection

    You know every time I worry about my plants I remind myself the reason they call it "weed" is that it's a weed. I think your base soil, although important, isn't as important as watching your plants as they grow and giving them what they need. So as long as the starter isn't too hot, you...
  7. Jefferstone

    Fruit Flies? On my plants

    Put a solution of vinegar, apple juice, water and a drop of dishwashing detergent into a coffee cup. Put the coffee cup on top of your soil. Wait a couple of days and you'll find dozens of the bastards floating in there. I keep one in each plant just to make sure they don't come back.You can...
  8. Jefferstone

    bayco clamp light from lowes

    If you put a large bulb in there, the clamp won't keep the reflector in the proper position
  9. Jefferstone

    Waste Disposal After a Grow has Finished?

    Whatever fast food restaurant I visit that week gets a small bag full. You'd be surprised how much you can compress into a single bag.
  10. Jefferstone

    AH what the Hell...lets see what JESUS WOUD DO...if you cant stand the heat stay out

    Uh-huh....ashamed....right......not trolling. And you don't know what I believe in, I just don't find it helpful in our community here online to bash anyone's beliefs. That's all I'm pointing out. BTW, it's a board about pot...that may be why there is more than one thread discussing it. But...
  11. Jefferstone

    AH what the Hell...lets see what JESUS WOUD DO...if you cant stand the heat stay out

    What would be the point in responding to an obvious trolling thread? Don't we have enough of the anti-christian threads going? Does it make you feel better somehow to bash anyone for their beliefs?Smoke some dope and chill out.
  12. Jefferstone

    Drug test, please help!!!

    I went to seminary and I can't remember the part about cannabis. Wait....was it "Let he who is without sin be the first stoned?" Those are words to live by my friend.
  13. Jefferstone

    HPS & MH vs CFL's

    I use both too, but since without flower there would be no bud, I'm going MH+HPS combo.
  14. Jefferstone

    Drug test, please help!!!

    What was the behavior that your mom didn't like that got you busted? Maybe you should try talking to her and figuring out what she wants improved so she'll lighten up. For instance, say she is paying for your college tuition and you are sitting in the dorm getting stoned everyday and getting...
  15. Jefferstone

    Who here does NOT FLUSH!

    I grow in soil and I don't flush. I've never had anyone complain about the taste of the weed either.
  16. Jefferstone

    How to make the door or opening to the room?

    tarp zippers
  17. Jefferstone

    at how many watts does it become SUSPICIOUS??

    replacing 10 100watt incandescents with an equivalent CFL or better yet LED will pretty much balance out a 1000watt HID. People in my neighborhood think I'm so green because all of my bulbs were swapped out long ago. Truth is they're right, just not the kind of green they are thinking.
  18. Jefferstone

    Bag Seed VS Bought Seed

    It's not what makes me happy, it's what makes sense. Look the average person doesn't go out and say..."hey I need some seeds, let me plonk down $300, trash the weed and keep the seeds" It's if they find the seeds in their bag, they decide to try to grow them. That's all. If you wish to stick...