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  1. C

    growing in open spaces? Is it possible? please help!

    I would guess light leaks could be a problem? panda film and 2x4's are awesome!
  2. C

    My grow room.

    I would get the kit that comes with the euro reflector. It should help keep temps down.
  3. C

    QUICK help! Hydro !! Please

    Im also a fan of dwc... but Im pretty sure you don't want to go that long without water.
  4. C

    Ona - Odour Control.... +rep for help

    Staffy- does that mean it's working for you?
  5. C

    Tiny Tent Vent & Air Flow HELP PLEASE

    pu pie.. yes you need ventilation. the passive intake at the bottom should be covered with panty hose or something similar. If the filter is going to work it needs to be inside the tent. Filters are pretty large, I suggest a small one from htg. fan size kinda depends on what light ur running.
  6. C

    carbon scrubber mounting

    if it's 180 deg. out... why can't you flip the filter over? I normally have them mounted horizontally.
  7. C

    help fast! $1,500 to spend

    cool, how much room you got to work with?
  8. C

    help fast! $1,500 to spend

    have you grown anything before? not hatin' just wonderin.
  9. C

    Which is best, 400 hps with extra cfl's or 600 hps alone? less energy used

    your electric bill doesnt directly flux. due to outside temps?.... I'm assuming your in chicago?
  10. C

    Help with 3x3 grow tent ventilation

    I have the htg euro reflector with 6" in/out. also using the 4" carbon filter can fan combo. with outside temps around 73 the tent stays at 79-82. It ran around 85 for the first couple days. I reduce to 4" at the filter then run 6" to the reflector, then 6" to the fan... and reduce back to 4" at...
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    Best stores to buy CFLs?

    to save a dollar
  12. C

    Best stores to buy CFLs?

    on amazon you can get 125 watt 6500k for around 30 bucks
  13. C

    1st DWC problem N def? but why

    Im sorry, but this set up looks great. Been planning on this for a while.
  14. C

    If You Know Anything About Indiana OWI Laws

    Maybe the officer took "frank" to the same place the took Bisard for the blood test?
  15. C

    Leaf issues - browning etc

    If this was a response to my post, Im using a GH ph tester with the little tube and drops. And its been turning greenish. And my R/O water is at 20 ppm. Also in a cooler dwc. I know there could be 2 different problems but the symptoms look the same as that leave.
  16. C

    water temps

    67-68 thats kinda just where it sits. as long as the temp of the room is between 75-85
  17. C

    Light deprived seedlings

    sure.. if they are MH or HPS or cfl
  18. C

    Leaf issues - browning etc

    having the same prob. I believe the r/o water I was getting is a around not sure tho because I'm using a liquid ph tester. Today I changed the reservior and added a a gallon of bottled "drinking water" wich was more yellow with the ph tester. Ive been using botanicare power plant...
  19. C

    Need advice on grow tents and lights

    no and yes. Usually you want to figure how much room you have to use. Then get the lighting to match.
  20. C

    Took out the hps! Bought 2 cfls single 27watts 2 4ft t5 54watt 17watt grow lite PIX!!

    if your referring to me.. then yeah, hydrofarm 125 watt 6500k cfl. Although not very compact compared to the felix 125 watter