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  1. L

    PLEASE HELP - Are my plants root bound?

    Hey guys does this look to you like my plants are root bound or maybe over watered? One has been droopy for a while and now the other one is starting to droop. Shall I transplant to a bigger pot? Thanks!
  2. L

    Help! My leaves are curling...

    No worries dude - all good :) I've just flushed it - will wait for a day or so to see the outcome! Thanks for the help.
  3. L

    Help! My leaves are curling...

    I think I may have over-nuted my plant a few weeks ago - but I saw no signs on this plant compared to my other ones. Maybe after watering it's now absorbed too much nutes? Does it look like nute burn? If so I'll flush it but I'm not sure.
  4. L

    Leaves are drooping?

    Don't worry, he's a fighter!
  5. L

    Leaves are drooping?

    Haha, I understand. It's Barneys Farm LSD :) 1st grow so hoping all go's to plan! The plant is still growing, just not as well as the others. What do you reckon I should do with it?
  6. L

    Plant Moisture Stress - Symptoms and Solutions

    I know what you mean about the growth being stunted, the size of the leaves on my other plants is much greater and yes they did grow that close together. It is still growing, but I'm guessing the nute burn is stunting the growth?
  7. L

    Yellow tips and leaves curling downwards?

    Thanks NOWitall, but what shall I do now? Leave it?
  8. L

    Leaves are drooping?

    There's one in my first post Bluesdad.
  9. L

    Leaves are drooping?

    Thanks Doc, do you think I should just leave it well alone for now them and hopefully it will recover from this nutrient burn?
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    Plant Moisture Stress - Symptoms and Solutions

    Appreciate your help! I don't have a pH meter, although the soil is supposed to be around 6 when purchased and is working fine for my other plants. The only real difference (which isn't much) is the amount of nutes/water they're given, as I just do it by eye normally. What do you think I...
  11. L

    Leaves are drooping?

    So you think it's a nute problem rather than an overwater problem? My lights (2x65W 6400k) are around 2-3 inches above the plants (I raised them to this level when my leaves started to look burnt (probably from the nutes)).
  12. L

    Yellow tips and leaves curling downwards?

    Thanks NOWitall, but what shall I do now? Leave it?
  13. L

    Yellow tips and leaves curling downwards?

    Bump - please help guys!
  14. L

    Plant Moisture Stress - Symptoms and Solutions

    Hey guys, I'm kinda stressing, it's my first grow and one of my plants is starting to not look so great. From what I've read it seems like it could be nute burn or overwatering. I'm not sure what to do, as if it is nute burn I'd have to flush, but if I was infact overwatering, then I'd be even...
  15. L

    Yellow tips and leaves curling downwards?

    Hi guys, my plant is 2 1/2 weeks old and something is wrong with the leaves. I think it may be nute burn, if you think it is, what should I do? -I think I may have given it nutes around 1000ppm. -Only ever water it with about 200ml of water (left for two days). -Over plants doing fine with...
  16. L

    Leaves are drooping?

    Yeah it does but I might raise the pot off the container so allow better drainage... I've included a picture of what it looks like. It's just two of the leaves are curling downwards. I've seen them do this before and then the rose up again, but I wasn't sure what I was doing wrong. I think it...
  17. L

    Leaves are drooping?

    Possibility of over watering. Could this be root rot?
  18. L

    Leaves are drooping?

    Hi guys, My plant is just over two weeks old and the tips of the leaves are starting to droop (curl downwards)? Does this mean they need more water? Happy smoking :)
  19. L

    Seed to Harvest (Weekly Videos) - Indoor Marijuana Stealth CFL Cardboard Grow Box

    Nice grow! One week deep into my first grow and it's so exciting, I hope mine turn out as good as yours!
  20. L

    E27 CFL Light Holders

    I'm looking for a cable from the mains (uk socket) to an E27 light holder and can't seem to find them anywhere. Anyone know where I can find one? Thanks.