Well your temps are lower then I like to keep them myself (during the day anyways), but I wouldn't think that caused it.
I have had clones do this as well. It seems like genetics has a bit to do with it because in one batch of clones i will have multiple strains, but some strains do it some...
You guys can say what you want, But I think that if a place uses something like free seeds to attract customers then they should stand behind them. But I guess we all have our own opinions. And in mine neither of those solutions were fair for my situation.
I'm curious as to where my bad judgment...
Also If attitude is getting less then good seeds from the breeders, Then why in the world would they risk there reputation selling them? I would think they would send them back to the breeder for more. That sounds like common sense to me
For one....all of my free seeds were from reputable breeders (th seeds, and DNA seeds), and I never said I had a germination rate problem (actually I got 100% germination on the TGA seeds since they were in the little vials that they use and were not crushed) so thanks for that bit of common...
Well at least I'm not the only person who has had problems with Attitude. You would think that a company as large and as popular as them would try a little harder to keep their customers.
Hello Everyone! Its been a long time, but I wanted to share my recent experience with Attitude.
Thread Title: Attitude Seedbank
Selection: 10
Price: 7
Service: 1
Stealth Rating: 1
Would you order from the same bank again: Unfortunately No
Other Comments:
This was my first order from...
Hey they look beautifull!! I'm done fillin up your thread with crap. Sorry bout that, I mean i could be wrong, so just update in 3 weeks and will see how they look.
Hey man I'm not saying that you dont know how to grow! I'm just sayin that I think thell be ready to be picked in 2-3 weeks. Now if he wants he could let them go longer and they would just get better i agree, but i think thell be just fine when i said. Btw thos are some beautiful buds, but I...