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  1. the_jake

    Getting High On Other Things!!!

    Dude, if you have some cash and a decent head shop, you can get some real whip its (Nitrous Oxide instead of CO2, nitrous being the "laughing gas" you get at the dentist) or some salvia.
  2. the_jake

    i'm interested in buying some pot from someone

    hah No man, im not a cop. I am (for once) wonderfully unemployed and its freakin' awesome. I mean, all day i sit on my ass and blaze and drink beer. Im on here because i'm trying to get started growing and really dont know wtf to do. but, after reading the guides and questions on roll it up...
  3. the_jake

    What Other Drugs Do You Enjoi?

    So...list of the "drugs" ive done? Ganja,weed,reefer,pot, bud, no matter what you call it, its still wonderful. Cocaine...Not a good one in my opinion. To much bodily risk and a shitty comedown Mushrooms are fuckloads of fun Ecstasy....Methylenedioxymethamphetamine mmm that sweet Molly...
  4. the_jake

    i'm interested in buying some pot from someone

    hahaha, yeah... woah, i was BLAZIN' at that moment...damn... but yeah, this Kevin dude screams cop..
  5. the_jake

    i'm interested in buying some pot from someone

    I cant ever find shit looking into starting my own grow, (the reason im here to begin with) but i just dont have a lot of direction. I mean, i can smoke it up all day, I know my chemistry with weed and all, but to actually grow is as of yet a little beyond me. If this makes no sense...