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  1. hydroponicpot420

    New from Northeastern OH

    damn im closest to zanesville crap
  2. hydroponicpot420

    New from Northeastern OH

    Yeah what up bra just moved to ohio a few months ago and having the same prob but yeah its hard if you dont know the right people and ...........i dontbe killer to find someone close to me on here to shoot the shit with and such.
  3. hydroponicpot420

    My set up 2nd time around

    well i lost all of them except one.....fucks broke in and cleaned me out. it was due to my roomate having a big mouth, and for that they gone but i kicked him out adn i do still have my one, wich couldnt be any happier cuz it was whit widow and it was locked in my closet at the time, a seperate...
  4. hydroponicpot420

    My set up 2nd time around

    oh yeah a good ways to go
  5. hydroponicpot420

    My set up 2nd time around

    well the 1st set of pics where from december 17th so here are my updates and i think they are doing great
  6. hydroponicpot420

    My set up 2nd time around

    true, but yeah thats what i had my last setup at and they did great, was just wondering cuz i herd a few people say like 14 on and 10 off weired crap like that
  7. hydroponicpot420

    My set up 2nd time around

    well im getting better lights this weekend than im gonna put them on the time cycle. what cycle would best suit them u think?
  8. hydroponicpot420

    My set up 2nd time around

    here is my well pretty much complet set up and all it well witht eh little guys
  9. hydroponicpot420

    My set up 2nd time around

    well i thought i would give it another try since i have a little more time on my hands. i have 4 growing in a 120 or 130 gallon fish tank all in separate potters, moisture control potting soil to keep watering to a adequate level. when i re potted them i went and bought 12 gold fish and cut...
  10. hydroponicpot420

    how am I doing?

    yeah your doing ok, but your not using your lighting to the fullest. put down some white posterboard or somthing bright white or like mylar board on the floor so u get more reflection and better lighting, the more light u use the better and its not wasted cuz the carpet is soaking up a good...