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  1. frstgrowr88

    Zero Flowering

    so either way it goes ur night needs to be longer than ur day in order to trigger flowering!! Man juss be patient with it good things come to those who wait i personaly wouldnt even recomend messin with it except for gettin some better lights i use two spectrums my self tho 2 bulbs at 2700K...
  2. frstgrowr88

    need help hairs are turning color

    thanks thats what i was kinda figureing this is my first real grow i say that cus ive had one or two that got busted and mistreated thats for the help hopefully i can get some pics up soon
  3. frstgrowr88

    need help hairs are turning color

    also sorry there arent any pictures my camera shat out on me yesterday when i was tryin to take some pics of them
  4. frstgrowr88

    need help hairs are turning color

    ok so i am juss over 3 weeks into flowering and i have 2 plants that have hairs starting to turn brown one of them only has a couple but the other one is almost 50% turned should i still harvest at 80% or should i rely more on trich to determin i have no clue what the strain is there...
  5. frstgrowr88

    busted? my apartment was inspected =(

    i my self have been busted growing my landlord came into my apartment and say 9 plants in my closet ( in my state it is required by law that unless it is and emergency such as flood, fire, or other type. they have to give a 24 hr WRITTEN notice.) they never had givin the notice i had a free...
  6. frstgrowr88

    Almost 2 weeks into flowering any advise??????

    yea i guess my vision does suck i think thats why im suposed to wear my glasses
  7. frstgrowr88

    Almost 2 weeks into flowering any advise??????

    Im not sure how u came to that conclusion juss by those pictures but you are right thats the only male in there how did u see it and growth hasnt been horrible they have doubled in size in a week and a half thanks for the advise tho ive been looking into adding some CFL's to it
  8. frstgrowr88

    Almost 2 weeks into flowering any advise??????

    Ok the results are in and out of 6 plants only 1 of them was a male im goin to move it into its own box today because they still produce buds and i wouldnt mind gettin the seeds off him considering i dont have the money or patience to do the whole cloning thing lol im sorry but im juss a...
  9. frstgrowr88

    Need help!!! Build up on soil

    Ok the results are in and out of 6 plants only 1 of them was a male im goin to move it into its own box today because they still produce buds and i wouldnt mind gettin the seeds off him considering i dont have the money or patience to do the whole cloning thing lol im sorry but im juss a...
  10. frstgrowr88

    FIRST GROW using fluorescents NEED INFO

    Ok the results are in and out of 6 plants only 1 of them was a male im goin to move it into its own box today because they still produce buds and i wouldnt mind gettin the seeds off him considering i dont have the money or patience to do the whole cloning thing lol im sorry but im juss a cheap...
  11. frstgrowr88

    Need help!!! Build up on soil

    ok so i got em transplanted onto 2 gal bags and repoted with ffof soil they are doin alot better and im not getting anymore build up now i am juss tryin to figure out what sort of nutes to use for them thanks in advance here are some new pics of the girls
  12. frstgrowr88

    Almost 2 weeks into flowering any advise??????

    yea no there not clones but does anyone have any suggestions on what kinda of nutes as far as brand or anything like that
  13. frstgrowr88

    Almost 2 weeks into flowering any advise??????

    ok so i juss started my girls flowering on 10/22 and so far they have doubled in size but i still have not gave them any sort of nutes i did how ever transplant them into ffof soil im only using fluoros so i no growth probably aint what it should be but its still prett good for how little they...
  14. frstgrowr88

    FIRST GROW using fluorescents NEED INFO

    Ok so heres a quik update for anyone who cares plants seem to be doin well there only about a week and a half into flowering so so far so good i think but always lookin for good feedback thanks in advance ***** since apperantly this part didnt want to show up with the pictures
  15. frstgrowr88

    first time growing and using only fluorescents any advise

    Quick update for anyone interested switched to flowering 1 week ago plants are doin great havin a little issue with some white build up but transplanting into 3 gal smart pots tomorrow with Fox Farm soil so hopefully that will help but they are juss agrowin along quite nicely i think. Also...
  16. frstgrowr88

    Need help!!! Build up on soil

    thanks everyone for your advise i actually bought some fox farm ocean forrest soil for my next grow that im getting ready to start and i think that tomorrow i will transplant these plants into the smart pot bags and put them in with fox farm, but at 3 weeks i started using all purpose MG...
  17. frstgrowr88

    FIRST GROW using fluorescents NEED INFO

    more better pictures 1 week into flowering
  18. frstgrowr88

    Need help!!! Build up on soil

    the soil was mixed 50/50 between fresh MG potting soil and shortly used cow manure
  19. frstgrowr88

    Need help!!! Build up on soil

    so i thought the people here were suposed to be helpfull so far 27 people have looked at this and not said anything