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  1. Hagos

    Quick Help - Storm is coming

    Storm as in heavy rain, thunder, lightning
  2. Hagos

    Quick Help - Storm is coming

    What do I do during a storm? Outside plant. Only been growing for 2 weeks so it's quite tiny The weather forecast said it would be sunny for this week Someone stuffed up So what do I do during the storm? What if the storm lasts a few days? Cheers
  3. Hagos

    Aussie Growers Thread

    Hey fellas I'm from Sydney :) I plan on starting my first plants this upcoming season and was wondering when the grow season actually starts? Also, what seedbank would you guys recommend I buy from? What websites have you had good experience with? Cheers
  4. Hagos

    Thanks for that. I'm new to the forum and didn't even realize there was an Aussie section cheers

    Thanks for that. I'm new to the forum and didn't even realize there was an Aussie section cheers
  5. Hagos

    Why won't they grow?! :(

    Thanks for the replies guys I had a feeling that they weren't good seeds...but just thought I would come and ask the pro's :P Can anyone recommend a good seed-bank website that has had success shipping to Australia? Because if I get anymore off friends, chances are they will just be...
  6. Hagos

    Why won't they grow?! :(

    Hello I have been trying to grow for about 2+ weeks now and nothing is happening...AT ALL!! I live in Sydney, and I have heard different things from different people about when to can anyone please give me the correct time of the year to grow? thanks moving along... I...