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  1. CharlieKnot


    Thanks for the advice and information..... plants don't seem to have changed in appearance.. still look like the pics up here... just taller and stickier looking. Thanks again.
  2. CharlieKnot


    1st grow KC Brains Cyber cristal 5 out of 6 germinated have 2 fems in 12/12 at the mo (still vegging the other three). Just tried two KC 33 seeds, these germed in 24 hours, now vegging.
  3. CharlieKnot


    Cheers pal. Much appreciated! :)
  4. CharlieKnot


    Soz , pics are post sac removal. I looked like a little exploded ball. Pretty certain it's a male sac. I'm just wandering will one sac turn the other girl in there, or does one sac mean there'll be more? Probably daft questions, but I know very little about hermies LOL
  5. CharlieKnot


    LOL Yup, only 70W, It works well tho, the girls love it! :) Pics....
  6. CharlieKnot


    LOL, i thought that might be the case. I'll wait for the lights to come on and I'll take some. BRB :OP
  7. CharlieKnot

    new to rollitup, day 16 flowering, 2nd grow, what do you guys think?

    Wow, it's the first time I've seen pics of someone elses, that look so similar to my cyber crystal!! Looking good mate... :)
  8. CharlieKnot


    Hi to all :) I'm a first time grower and growing 2 CyberCristal plants indoors, under 70W HPS. They are both day 25 into 12/12. Flowering nicely. However, last night my missus noticed a burst sac on the 4th node up, and white pollen dusted a leaf underneath. Not really knowing what to do...