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  1. W

    You Know You're a Stoner if....

    you know your a stoner when you like to pretend to take a hit with fresh air
  2. W

    at what temperature should i move black pots to shade

    hmm, well on that note, how often do you water, my potting mix has a third perlite which gives it pretty instant drainage and the top inch or so of soil dries out within about an hour with high temps and low humidity
  3. W

    at what temperature should i move black pots to shade

    alright, so i have identified an issue with my growing, i'm situated in perth, in western australia where there is intense sun and can get pretty hot, now today i realised why my plants were troubled, and it was because they were practically cooking since i had them in direct sun the entire day...
  4. W

    How should i go about transplanting into new soil.

    Hiya there So i'm about 2 weeks into my grow, i have 2 greenomatic autoflowers, now by this stage they should have some decent growth, but i just have the first 2 leaves only about 1cm long, and the 3rd and 4th leaves have just appeared. Now, i've concluded that the slow growth is due to my...