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  1. Rock N Roll Another One

    Leaves curling drastically!

    You'll be ok with one light for now, I use two of the CFLs equivalent to 100w each, but my plant is MUCH bigger than yours, and is about to show the world his/her gender (let's cross our joints and pray to Bob Marley it's a girl). Besies the curling, are there any markings evident on the leaves...
  2. Rock N Roll Another One

    happy Bday and legalization to me (also pics of my first "lst"/cfl grow lol)

    Nice plant! Comin along well. I'm hopin for "Petunia" (I named it as a seedling to "inspire" it to be female) to turn out a female. Been about 1 month in veg growth.
  3. Rock N Roll Another One

    over 50% thc strain, bullshit or not?

    I'm gonna have to call the bullshit on that one. That is, unless the buds look like green tinted crystals because that is what a 50% THC rated bud would be like. If only.