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    Home-Made Mix VS Bottled Fertilizers

    :( he is so pretty, to bad he gonna meet the blender tomorrow... Anywayz... THANKS A LOT! :)
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    Home-Made Mix VS Bottled Fertilizers

    So one of the small ones was kinda stressed and hermied so I planted it outdoors. Then I got 2 females I just transplanted to bigger pots and what I think looks like a male... Im not sure tho... Are these male flowers or just budding leaves? Thanks!
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    Home-Made Mix VS Bottled Fertilizers

    Update... They are a few days into flowering now. One of the plants is kind of stunted and looks a lighter green than the rest, (the small one on one of the galon pots) so I'm wondering if I should give it a more concentrated dose of fertilizer or just give it time? Could it be that it's just...
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    Home-Made Mix VS Bottled Fertilizers

    Given that I won't transplant the plants into bigger pots, as I want to keep them small and rootbound, when should I induce flowering so that the plants use the size of the pot the most efficiently? Meaning they won't either be too small or too rootbound at the end of the grow...
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    Home-Made Mix VS Bottled Fertilizers

    So the grow is finally up and running. I had troubles with fungus gnats and germinations but finally found a bulletproof method. The only drawback is that the plants are of different ages now, 1 is 3 weeks old in a cup, 3 are 2 weeks old including one which had some problems with the leaves...
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    Home-Made Mix VS Bottled Fertilizers

    So I'm sad to say those were indeed fungus gnats whose larvae ate half of the seeds, the other half was replanted into a recovery pot. I waited almost a week for the germinations to find out. Anyway, I will try again, fortunately I still had seeds from the same batch altought they we not the...
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    Home-Made Mix VS Bottled Fertilizers

    So I've been seeing these tiny insects flapping around on the surface when I uncover the plastic. I've seen them all the time everytime I put plastic over a pot, they obviously like humidity. They are about 2mm long. What are they? and are they a pest to worry about? Mating Next to...
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    Home-Made Mix VS Bottled Fertilizers

    So I sowed the seeds but I found some earthworms and I decided to chuck them in just for an extra bit of luck. It's now up to the seeds to do their magic.
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    Home-Made Mix VS Bottled Fertilizers

    I just realized sowing 1 seed on each pot won't only delay the comparisons if a male pops up, but the nutrients wont be the same... I think I could sow 2 seeds on each pot to have probably at least 1 fem on each pot, what do you say?
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    Home-Made Mix VS Bottled Fertilizers

    I'm growing on 5 pots. 1 with a homemade soil mix. 1 with bottled fertilizers in a coco/sand medium. 1 with both. Also, in small cups... 1 with the homemade mix + azomite, one without the azomite. So I need to know what you guys think. I want to grow 5 plants in 5 pots, how do I sow seeds in 5...
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    Help me make my Home-Made Soil Mix!

    Brilliat! that's great to hear! yeah the 20% river sand is a rough calculation, when I mix it all together I'll decided weather it drains well or not, and if it needs more sand. The reason I'm using coco is beacuse it's more neutral, doesn't peat moss turn too acidic? and should I increase the...
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    Help me make my Home-Made Soil Mix!

    Well I've almost got everything ready for the mix, I will grow 5 plants using dif mediums, soils and nutrients to test them out. I will use my home made mix for 1 plant (I think I will get some worm castings too!!!) I don't however have perlite :( so I will use river sand instead. I will use...
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    Big Bloom + Buddha Grow/Bloom + Azomite? 100% Organic

    ordered yestersday :S
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    Big Bloom + Buddha Grow/Bloom + Azomite? 100% Organic

    mmm, im not sure i could get chicken shit, ive got cow manure though... The thing is the fertz seem way more complete, (worm, bat, etc) and it would be somehow easier to measure.
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    Big Bloom + Buddha Grow/Bloom + Azomite? 100% Organic

    So I want to grow 100% organic. I have a bunch of home-made amendments I'm using for the base soil + Azomite! ...but I also want to fertilize with the best organic liquid fertilizers. So I'm thinking of getting Fox Farm's Big Bloom, and instead of using the non-organic rest of the trio formula...
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    Help me make my Home-Made Soil Mix!

    You mean coco coir right? that sounds great but I'm sure it needs some nutrients too? How much of the list above should I put in? thanks!
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    Help me make my Home-Made Soil Mix!

    I don't understand
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    Help me make my Home-Made Soil Mix!

    So I live in a country where quality organic soil or organic fertilizers are not available. All I can get is nursery soil, which looks dark, a bit composted and has some sand, but seems to be low or very low in nutrients. I have gathered quite a few items to make this season's mix but I have no...
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    Guatemala Closer to Depenalized Cannabis!!! :D

    So the reason I care enough to post is because I live here! watch interview video clip: BBC News Channel - HARDtalk, Fernando Carrera - Minister of Foreign Affairs, Guatemala, Cannabis should be treated ?the same as alcohol? Cannabis should be treated ‘the same as alcohol’ When...
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    Should I Abort My Grow-Op !?!?!?!?!?!?

    Well, the thing is I live in the suburbs so, its hard to think of a major dealer or crime. That being said and oddly enough, I think the neighbors have a history of dealing, but I doubt they do anything from the house. I've seen a plant in there before though. Theres also a pot-headish...