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  1. I

    Stupid dimmer switches

    I'm pretty sure they were light ones, hence they're dead. Last time I listen to a Home Depot employee. Wasn't aware they had fan ones as well. Chock it up to noob mistakeage.
  2. I

    Stupid dimmer switches

    So... I have (had) one of those 4" inline duct fans pulling heat out and a medium sized fan circulating air in the bottom of my filing cabinet, both of which were run to the dial type dimmer switches (to slow them down). So, after about a month or two the inline fan wasn't running, cabinet was...
  3. I

    cheap a$$ bagseed grow

    Make sure your not overwatering (I water a seedling, wait 2-3 days and water again). Also I've read in a few books not to use nutrients with "seedlings" at all. I have a baby right now and it's looking great, like I said with JUST water. But I overwatered clones and they're all yellow now...
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    1st time Grower, would appreciate any tips and comments!

    You've got such a good setup going there. I'm a noob, but I'm taking notes, I'm takin' notes!!!!
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    Stupid mistakes... cuz I'm a NOOB

    It's been awhile since a reply cuz I've been busy with school and building a second (larger) cabinet. Oddly enough, I still have the 2nd plant (mini filing cab one), and it seems to be flourishing. I appreciate all the responses, and I take them in good fun. I look at it as "If you never make...
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    Stelthy's 600W Hps Project! (New-Cab)

    This is very cool. Considering I skipped through since your first post to this last one in roughly 45 minutes, it's just funny that it all started with you talking your wife out of her wardrobe. Hell of a snowball effect. But it's awesome. Rediculously awesome. Keep up the excellent work man.
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    Stupid mistakes... cuz I'm a NOOB

    Okay, so... long story short: I had a nice plant growing outside, about 9 -12" (just started this year). It was pretty unmistakeable as to what it was even hiding in with a mixture of other plants. My wife made me move it (out of plain site), so I dug it up, found an old plastic bucket (like a...