Search results

  1. H2grOw

    Afrodite from Kannabia

    My aphrodite freebie did very well through veg and a few weeks of flowering. It then started to wither and drop leaves. Couldn't figure out what was wrong with it until it was beyond saving. Turns out that the airstones in my reservoir had clogged and caused the roots to drown. I was very...
  2. H2grOw


    There is also another form of oxy in development called remoxy. It is a time release paste that is contained in capsules. In this form, it is very difficult to abuse. Its production process has yet to be perfected though. Also, the FDA has also recently ordered that drug companies limit the...
  3. H2grOw

    Early Flower Pruning?

    I reccomend trimming only what is absolutely required. Too much stress during the first couple of weeks of flowering can cause a plant to hermie. Leave anything still green on the plant for now. If you have to remove a large number of leaves, only do one or two a day to minimize stress. After...
  4. H2grOw


    Oxycodone is the generic for oxycontin and only differs in tablet shape. Fed law requires generics be identical to their brand name counterpart.
  5. H2grOw

    light cycle for new auto flowers

    I researched this when I switched to autos and found that most people use either 18/6 or 20/4. A couple were using 24/0 with no ill effects. A friend of mine is growing out 2 autos next to his photos under 12/12 HPS and they are doing great as well. You should choose whatever light cycle is...
  6. H2grOw

    Do Water Carbon Filters Work For Odour?

    My opinion is that it is less hassle to buy the proper filter and refill it with carbon once it needs to be replaced. I have refilled mine with fishtank carbon and it is working as well as when it was new. I did have to use cheese cloth to keep the smaller pieces of carbo from falling out.
  7. H2grOw

    Nirvana Autoflowers

    Like Hoss, I would recommend Short Stuff seeds. I have grown out their Russian Rocket Fuel and Blue Himilayian Diesel in deep water culture with great results. I ordered them through the Attitude because I found Nirvana's autoflower selection to be very limited.
  8. H2grOw

    Best Joke to Tell High?

    Q: If men age like a fine wine, what do women age like? A: Milk
  9. H2grOw

    Best Joke to Tell High?

    Cinderella was getting ready to go to the ball when she realized she was starting her period. She had no feminine products on hand, so she summons her fairy godmother. Her fairy godmother tells her she has a magic tampon that she can have. There was one catch though. At midnight it would turn...
  10. H2grOw

    Best Joke to Tell High?

    How is sex in a canoe and american beer alike? They're both fucking close to water.
  11. H2grOw

    Blue Himalayan Diesel breeding, sprout to seed in one post

    These photos were originally taken as part of a grow competition. I am now posting them as a blatant attempt to gather votes for the plant featured in most of them. If you enjoy this post please vote for her here...
  12. H2grOw

    "Auto-Flower's MORTAL COMBAT" - let the game begin.

    Canon: Check your inbox. Final photos submitted. Would have gotten them to you sooner, but had a family emergency.
  13. H2grOw

    "Auto-Flower's MORTAL COMBAT" - let the game begin.

    What can I say? I grew up with the video game. It was a happy christmas the year we got an Atari.
  14. H2grOw

    "Auto-Flower's MORTAL COMBAT" - let the game begin.

    Up Up Down Down Left Right Left Right B A :twisted:
  15. H2grOw

    "Auto-Flower's MORTAL COMBAT" - let the game begin.

    One. I have a few stray seeds from the other two plants in my grow, but I am not including them in the total. The total from those two so far is only 5, but I have not picked through the buds to remove them either. Canon, If I knew you guys personally, I would have no problems giving out...
  16. H2grOw

    "Auto-Flower's MORTAL COMBAT" - let the game begin.

    Thanks. Kind of hard to believe that if I were to purchase that many it would cost over $2500. Not gonna sell them, but might give lots of them out to friends. Might put up a pic of them all tomorrow morning. (The seeds, not my friends. :) )
  17. H2grOw

    "Auto-Flower's MORTAL COMBAT" - let the game begin.

    God, they keep coming. Pulled seeds while putting her in a jar to start curing, and seed total is now 436. Still see an ocassional seed through the jar too.
  18. H2grOw

    Lets recall some Bush one-liners before he goes!

    "Most illegal immagrants are foreigners." & "Mission Accomplished"
  19. H2grOw

    "Auto-Flower's MORTAL COMBAT" - let the game begin.

    Spent an hour picking through #2 tonight and have increased my seed count to 358.
  20. H2grOw

    What Do You Drive?

    Point taken. Might have made me paraniod if they were my plates. They are the prev owners and these photos were taken on delivery. Different plates on it now, and was bought quite a distance from where I live.