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  1. T

    tryin to branch out with my neuts and try something new

    hey everyone!, i decided i wanted to branch out and try different neuts. im currently doing all fox farms neuts and soil. i got botanicare pro veg and bloom for soil. but i dont believe the bloom has a bud booster with it? if anyone can give me a little more info on when to use the bloom ferts...
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    Quick Question about Getting a Card

    i recently had a knee surgery as well i had surgury on jan 20 and i have been going to the dr since then every 3 weeks or so and they keep perscribing me vicodin and other junk i got my records and sent them in and they said it wasnt enough to qualify as chronic pain. should i just continue my...
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    seeking patient!

    hey everyone im looking for a patient in need of a caregiver. the patient i had lined up skipped out just at my last harvest a few days ago. i grow high quality 100 % organic indoor if interested please pm for more details. im currently in eugene but do travel to portland and beaverton every...
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    Looking for a Grower again, got burned. Anyone know someone that needs a patient

    i currently am seeking a patient i grow indoors and 100% organic send me an email if your interested. [email protected] and ill give you m number, i am currently located in eugene but i come to portland beaverton area every weekend to see my family please get in touch with me asap.
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    seeking patient.. not sure what thread to put this in.

    hey everyone im currently seeking a patient in need of a care giver. im located in eugene but i am in beaverton portland area on the weekends. i will provide 100% percent organic medicine currently have bluemystic from nirvana. also looking into a queen and g13 strains. if interested shoot me a...
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    need help! redish brown spots??

    i dont spray with the lights on i learned that the hard way a while ago i dont think its heat stress or wind burn i only have a fan on them for a few hours each night and the cfl doesnt get hot so its always about 74 78 in the room. the open sesame is to help induce flowering but i just gave it...
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    Leave's Folding like taco's, Purple Stems, Now wilting?

    i have no idea but i just checked on my big girls and a few of my leaves are starting to roll up as well.
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    need help! redish brown spots??

    just checked out another post on a mag deficiency and i think your correct i will be going to the store tomorro to get some epsom salts. i read that if its not mag the epsom wint hurt the plant?
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    need help! redish brown spots??

    that makes sense im gonna check all the ph's again, isnt ffof a fixed ph balance? i check my ph about every 2 weeks and its always been to par but now its a little low. who makes these epsom salts? or i guess better question is what is it?
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    need help! redish brown spots??

    to high or to low. question does soil ph drop after watered or rise?
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    need help! redish brown spots??

    the mother is on grow big and open sesame starting today. i read about leaving leaves till 50 percent damage today but i already cut them off before i found that out. is it bugs or nuets?
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    need help! redish brown spots??

    it doesnt say anything about what is in it besides azadirachtin it can be used up until harvest its supposed to be a good product for the plant and wont hurt it but it starves the pest and keeps them from spreading.
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    need help! redish brown spots??

    yes i believe so. i got the tri pack of solids and the grow big, big bloom and tiger bloom and the ffof soil i checked my ph on the mother and it was kinda low its at about 6 average but in some spots its lower and higher.???
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    need help! redish brown spots??

    lights are 6 in from the top in the veg and about 24 to 30 in the flower temps 74 in veg and 78 to 84 in flower. humidity in the flowere is between 45 and 55 percent and almost 60 in veg. i dont think that the thermostat i have in the veg is that accurate though i just got some pics up i had to...
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    need help! redish brown spots??

    over the last week or so i noticed that some of my leaves on my mother in veg still. were getting small brownish red spots about the size of a pin head. i have been spraying for mites with azamax but this problem has grown worse and worse and now those same spots showed up on on of my girls in...
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    Wappa & Blue Mystic 652W Medi Grow

    im growing bm as well and now im starting to think its not worth the hassle?? iv read numbers of threads saying its such a pain to grow. kinda sad. but the plants are looking great and i will deff be looking into getting some wappa that stuff looks so good!
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    my first grow!

    quick up date went through myroom today and was looking for males i found a few and one thats possibly a he she. the tp node has 2 small balls and the one under has a ball and a pistol does anyone know. but on the bright side i found to great lookin ladies and on im 85% sure is femal still a...
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    When to move to MH

    WELL PUT! strong & resilient FTW
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    Wappa & Blue Mystic 652W Medi Grow

    wow the wappa looks insane! i think i might have to look into some of that!