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    Oder Removing CFR

    Odor Removing! =) Anyone tried these before? Do they work? Anything harmful towards the plants?? fresh2 compact fluorescent light bulbs remove odor while emitting energy efficient light Fresh2 is a revolutionary light bulb that safely breaks down odors...
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    can you see any signs of male or feamle?

    Here's pictures of my males .. fricken balls! i can't tell with your pic's .. look for the balls
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    Diy 100% H2o2

    pretty cool low budget idea. Whats next? Do I put this in my spray bottle? How do I disburse this to my crop? Thank You
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    Sexing Question - Give a look

    Well Crap! ... f'n bastards.. growing balls. Next Step: Start over and do a scrog this time Thanks for the very fast response time!
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    Sexing Question - Give a look

    Hi, Can anyone tell me if these are female? Two breeds here ... Breed 1 - 15, 18 Breed 2 - 60, 20 Thanks ahead of time! (crossing fingers) Veg - I let these veg longer then usual.. no real rush. (3 months ) Flow - we have been in 12/12 for 10 days now (cfl450w, 1600ppm, 24x36x56)
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    NC Bloom Box - Any detailed pics around?

    PM me pls with the info. Thanks
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    NC Bloom Box - Any detailed pics around?

    Hi, I'd like to start a DIY Bloom box similar to the one from OpenDNS. Does anyone have some detailed specs and pics handy? I dont have that much space so i need to make a custom design. 50"Lx24"Dx60"H
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    refelecting light

    Ya, i did the same. I had a couple emergency kits with a reflective blanket inside. I cut that up and lined my walls and behind my sliding door. I was later told i could go to a army surplus and get a mylar-type blanket for $1.50 ... .... now if there was only a way to take out the creases. Ugh!
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    Cutting Circles - Wood, Rubbermaid, metal

    When your cutting the holes into the resevoir or are that will hold the water after the watering period... What tools do you use to cut your holes? I personally put my net pot face down on top of the lid then trace a circle around the top. I then manually draw a circle a few centimeters inside...
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    Cloning - Where to cut?

    No worries! The good thing about a social/collaborative community forum is that its self-repairing. If there's something incorrect, someone will notice and help correct it .. like wikipedia.. If someone writes an article about something and the facts are a bit off .. someone will notice, update...
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    Cloning - Where to cut?

    Crap .. My day just got bad, .. male !? .. no no no I've found a good article that has some good images.
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    Cloning - Where to cut?

    I'm leaving my plants in a Vegetative state until they grow a bit higher and until I can figure out if they are male or female. I would like to create a clone and bud/flower it to see its sex but I'm not sure where to cut it. I've included some picks with color on it for some advice. Also, those...
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    ReptiSun 5.0 Fluorescent UVB lamp - 24"

    Anyone know if this is useful lighting and which stage its useful for? Its a reptile lamp i had laying around. I'm planning to just put it part of my standard 16/8 and 12/12(when i start it). 20 watts.Contains the highest amounts of bothUVBandUVAwavelengths (according to an independent...
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    Two Questions - Sexing and prolonging veg state

    I'll let it sit a little longer and wait another week or so before doing a 12/12 light cycle... no real rush. Thanks for all the info
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    Two Questions - Sexing and prolonging veg state

    3.5 weeks using a 16/8 light cycle and 1/4 nute solution. So ya, i haven't put them into the flower cycle.. so i guess i need to do that to make sure. I have 3 other plants pots that have just sprouted about and growing for about 4 days .. so i wasn't sure if i should change the light cycle on...
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    Two Questions - Sexing and prolonging veg state

    Hi, I am unable to tell if this plant is male or female. My camera isn't the best so i hope these pics are usefull. Q1 - Is this plant M or F?? Also, it seems my seeds are growing at different speeds/levels I would like to keep the environment in a state where i can eventually have all the...