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  1. T

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    thanks bro, those damn bugs, would they ever infest the actual buds?
  2. T

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    I am a first time grower that has an outdoor plant that has been flowering for a while and I feel like it's stop progressing in the flowering cycle, can you tell me when it should approximately be done? It also is encountering a bug problem, its infested with anaphids i think, little yellow...
  3. T

    What is wrong with my plant?!?!

    uhhhhhhhhh.... whoops, but i dont think it has mold, ill be sure to stop doing that, hah. and its an outside grow, but theres only one of the buds that the leaves are brown like that. yah i don't think i'm going to spray it with anything though.
  4. T

    What is wrong with my plant?!?!

    do you think there would be a way to kill the mites this close to harvest, ive used neem oil before it started flowering, but is it safe to use this close to harvest, or will it ruin the bud? are nutes nutrients?
  5. T

    What is wrong with my plant?!?!

    they are at the top of the plant, is there a way to prevent nute burn?
  6. T

    What is wrong with my plant?!?!

    This is my first grow and my plant is almost to harvest, I really don't want anything to happen to it,can anyone tell me what is wrong with my plant? It has dying leaves turning brown around the buds, and not the fan leaves. Its not really all over the plant just in a couple areas. I read some...