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    Very simply you could buy miracle grow or something 20-20-20 or 5-5-5 (as long as all 3 numbers are the same) for grow and 10-20-30 or 20-20-50(or similar ratios, more the last number than the first two) for bloom, but I really recomend looking into some grow guides, the good ones will really...
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    This is very good advice, if you find those hard to find or need one very quickly near the busy x-mas, a very good camera can zoom in pretty far if you have one lying around aswell.
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    need to keep em short is it possible 2 start flower after first node starts

    you can always tie down the branches and the main stem of your plant so you can have a 1-2 foot long plant, but vertically it will take only 1 foot tops. It sounds like LST might be for you because if you grow a plant normally expect at most doubling its height (for alot of strains) but if you...
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    Germnination Malfunction!

    Good luck, hope everything goes well.
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    From what I know, another huge benefit of leaching nutes is consumption of N and feeding nutes will just increase the overall N concentration, and I don't think that too much of the N can be gotten rid of through water curing(altho putting you plant in darkness for 72 hours b4 harvest could do...
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    if you really want some smoke for x-mas, cut off the lowest bud and speed dry by a fan, it will give you a good concept of where your smoke is with the trichromes and you got a lil smoke for yourself.
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    Germnination Malfunction!

    Sry to double post but I didnt read this post, you could also try this technique because if you have tempermental seeds, some will die because of the hairs being destroyed. Altho because you are having issues I'd suggest my past post so you can know yourself that youi can infact crack a seed.
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    Germnination Malfunction!

    If your at your wits end try making sure the ph is a good 5.5 to 6, not over 6 tho. Make sure the heat is 85 max but not to far below it. Also don't use toilet paper because some brands don't work too well, I suggest papertowel because it is airier and has more structure. Use tupperware or the...
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    need to keep em short is it possible 2 start flower after first node starts

    I don't know about your height restrictions but you might want to consider training if you are running out of only vertical space. Personally it sounds like you only want to grow a plant if it will yeild enough to cover its own growing time, so a small 3 or 4 noder will yeild very little and not...
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    question about hermies

    No male, just little seed starters at the end of the red hairs, all flowers have them, if they get big enough (say bigger than 4-5 mm, I am just guessing) you should look for a male flower.
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    Arjans Ultra haze and Big Bang report

    Hey another lil smoke report outta the dam and Erik the Red. Sorry I can't seem to figure out he pics, I will try later. First off the Arjans Ultra haze # 1 was one of tyhe weirdest plants I've ever seen. Its leaves were very droopy and wrinkly like it needed water but the plant was perfectly...
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    Hawaiian Snow report.

    Sounds good my friend, im jealous, good luck to you.
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    Hawaiian Snow report.

    1000 watt (very chill room so the light can be kept a a closer distance than most setups, 6" or less for some strains), natural growth ( one cola but allowed the side branching, some side branches were almost as big as the main cola, a reason yield was so good) and a 12 inch diametre full depth...
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    Hawaiian Snow report.

    Hey all. I thought since I've been a reader of many reports that I would make one myself from one of my favorite strains from the dam Hawaiian Snow. The plant was grown by the grow master Eric da Red in the Dam to 8 inches, then stretched to 3.2 feet in bloom. The yeild was 99g (the plant took...
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    to burp or not to burp!

    To a small extent you need to dry acording to your cure, leave ur flowers moist(still dry tho) for a long cure and dryer for a short cure. You burp 10 mins a day untill it seems like its getting too dry, then either stop burping or burp for a shorter duration if there is still some moister in...
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    question about hermies

    Plants thats 4-5 weeks into flower and has small seed like structures about 1 mm in size. Do marijuana flowers have immature seeds when unpollinated.
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    Small seeds in the flowers

    hey, 6 weeks in flower and finding small seed-like structures in the flowers. Does marijuana have small seeds when unpollinated? Plz anser quickly plz.
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    Quick Drying - The Other Side Of The Coin

    There is a reason to, if you can afford a dehumidafier and your closet or whereever your growing is too moist you can you dissecant to remove moisture. If your humidity is already fine than I would advise against it because you want your hang to go on as long as possible (pretty much)
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    Quick Drying - The Other Side Of The Coin

    your an idiot man, and now you look like a total asshole. First off I know many growers, 1 thats been growing for 40 years, and her stuff is fucking bullshit, so your theory "if you've been growing for 20 years your good" is wrong, now I dont see how this man was talking down to FDD, i dont even...
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    Hang drying for a month???

    Edit*drying longer than 4 or 5 weeks is bad. The reason you want to cure for a a long period is to make all the trichromes dry really fast while the chlorifyl gets destroyed slowly.