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  1. cherrypop26

    Help with roadtrip to California!

    Three friends and I are planning on going to a roadtrip to Northern Cali from Illinois. Where are good places to stay??? Best places to see??? Its a spur of the moment thing lol:weed:
  2. cherrypop26

    Medical Uses?

    Well for about a year I had gastritis. My tummy would feel terrible to the point where I just didnt wanna get out of bed and I curled up in fetal position -_-. Smoking bud was the ONLY thing that made the pain go away, I would feel better and was able to eat. It also helps with my insomnia...
  3. cherrypop26

    Helluuuuuur x]

    I plan to, I'm already buying the things I'll need. I'm planning on growing indoors organically in soil. I fear If I go any other way other than organic that it will harm the batch in flavor and what not:-o
  4. cherrypop26

    Helluuuuuur x]

    Why thank ya 8D!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well when I turned 3 my mother decided to relocate from Phili to Illinois boooooooooooooo, I cant take this winter any longer!
  5. cherrypop26

    Me and my Stoner Friends

    Me-"Text text back"[I meant to say 'Kris text back'] lol My friend Tony-"Everybody shut up, we're not leaving until we go!!!!" Friend Edith-"When fucked my brother, I mean...!" Me and my friend Arthur- Arthur: I was trying to to explain what queef was to him but he kept laughing! Me: What...
  6. cherrypop26

    Helluuuuuur x]

    Sup everyboday???? Well I'm new to this board and find it way better than grass city fasho!!!! Well I'm 19 and live in the Chicago area, it'd be nice if I could find more people in my area to smoke with 8]. I only smoke good shit, I hate mersh blegh. Some of my favorite strains are headband...
  7. cherrypop26

    2500mg of dxm

    Hell yeah I got gastritis from doing too much dxm last summer:-(