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  1. SolidNnine

    How much should i charge?

    are u a retard
  2. SolidNnine

    dr120 fan help

    run it 24/7 so u have a negative pressure smell should not leak
  3. SolidNnine

    dr120 vent help

    so it goes filter-vent-light-vent-fan vent out the chimney this is all six inch then i have a 4 inch intake vent in the bottom of the tent.. now i dont want my exhuast fan running all the time.. what do i do
  4. SolidNnine

    400 watt HPS bulb

    thax for the website snow
  5. SolidNnine

    400 watt HPS bulb

    so i have a 430 watt lumatek ballaest i would like to get a MH bulb for veging and a hps for flowering what kind of bulb should i use or better yet were is a good place to order them thax :leaf::leaf:
  6. SolidNnine

    First plant of 2010 - 17.8 ounces

    nice plant man what size light that girl take