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  1. sweetmj

    Smoke with Hannah Montana?

    I had to watch the vid before I desided that..... No I would not smoke with her I don't know why girls act so fucking dumb I mean Ya I was young once also but never got stupied like that of course the guys could care less cuz they just wanna hit and quit it. And her friend that posted that is...
  2. sweetmj

    ITS a girl...I think.

    Well those arn't very good pictures let me see if I can do better.well thats not really any better can anybody tell me for sure if its female?
  3. sweetmj

    ITS a girl...I think.

    Hi sweetmj here and I am adding some updated pictures of my small grow. Me and my grow partner are thinking we have a girl what do you all think.
  4. sweetmj

    My baby has bugs, But pray tell what are they?

    hi, thanks for the link but the damn thing won't open.
  5. sweetmj

    My baby has bugs, But pray tell what are they?

    thank you all who commented, I remember reading on someother thread that if their soil lice that they don't hurt the plants. I do think that I was over watering so I am going to let it dry out and see if that kills the little fuckers because my other plant does not have them but its way dryer...
  6. sweetmj

    My baby has bugs, But pray tell what are they?

    I was watering one day and pouring out the over flow, when I saw these bugs in the soil anyone know what they are and are they bad my plant has some discolored leaves not sure what its from. Any help would be great for this newbie:wall: I swear will it ever get better!!!!ok i fucked that up any...
  7. sweetmj

    Trying to identify these little bastards in my soil, here's a couple pics...

    God this site frigging Rocks!!! I just saw these little basterds in one of my plants...good to know that its not mites you all are the best.
  8. sweetmj

    sounds good I know I will need some hps lights soon, ya I am hopeing they don't die I would have...

    sounds good I know I will need some hps lights soon, ya I am hopeing they don't die I would have liked to try this with homegrown seeds then pull out the better seeds when I had some better know how on growing but I will just keep pluging alone and hope for the best.As for how old, the bigger...
  9. sweetmj

    well I was givein five seeds and told that they were AK47 and white rino are the only names I...

    well I was givein five seeds and told that they were AK47 and white rino are the only names I remember and the two that are growing are the only two that took so I don't know what they are. Did you learn enough from the first time that will help you with this grow? I have had a few problems with...
  10. sweetmj

    DID I GET FERT BURN (pics)

    thanks all for the sound advice I have repoted the little one in the cup to a bigger pot and cut off the dead leaves so now that I think I am armed with some better know how (I think I was over watering) I am hopeing the baby pulls out of it and is ok...
  11. sweetmj

    hey their jonnyfire so are you a grower? I am trying for the first time..... long time smoker...

    hey their jonnyfire so are you a grower? I am trying for the first time..... long time smoker off and on but now it seems more on then off :)
  12. sweetmj

    WTF is this (pics)

    Hi, the bigger one is planted in MG I did put nutes in it to early but I have not since. so it only has three fingers and not four maybe if it lives to flower and is a female I will have some retarded weed?
  13. sweetmj

    WTF is this (pics)

    YES their are holes in the bottem I do have house plants that I do kill sometimes but I am not a total retard I know to put holes in the bottem of the cup, Yes I am going to replant and water less and cut off the dead leaves. thanks for the help.
  14. sweetmj

    nope just a pic I found that I thought was pretty.

    nope just a pic I found that I thought was pretty.
  15. sweetmj

    DID I GET FERT BURN (pics)

    here is an updated pic of the plants the one in the black pot is doing much better this week, but now the little one is messed up I did not put any fert on this one the soil is not MG i forget what it is am I watering it to much? or could it be a fungus among us?
  16. sweetmj

    DID I GET FERT BURN (pics)

    DO you feel ok useing MG with the ferts that are already in their? everyone keeps telling me not to use it to use soil with no to very little fert in it? do your plants do ok in it?
  17. sweetmj

    WTF is this (pics)

    hello its sweetmj with more plant troubles you all have been so good about giving advice to this grower newbie and I thank you :clap: well now I have a new problem with my smaller plant that just last week was all green and pretty well now the poor thing has curled dry leaves with yellow...
  18. sweetmj

    DID I GET FERT BURN (pics)

    Hi jack, thank you for your info I had Kinda been wondering if I might be watering to much, and I think I am where do you get perlite? I did put holes in the bottom and I don't let it sit in the run off. I am going to put more pics on here because now the little one has problems which now I am...
  19. sweetmj

    DID I GET FERT BURN (pics)

    Ok I will just let it tuff it out, I am hopeing it lives but I have been known to kill tons of house plants lol so this is all new to me I have also been told that to start from seed is hard and that clones are easy.Thanks for your help.
  20. sweetmj

    DID I GET FERT BURN (pics)

    holy crap I did not know that flushing when you use MG would do that, thanks so much for the info...ya it seems to be doing ok now do you think I should cut the leaves with the dark spots or leave them?